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Design pattern for dynamic C# object

I have a queue that processes objects in a while loop. They are added asynchronously somewhere.. like this:

myqueue.pushback(String value);

And they are processed like this:

    String path =  queue.pop();

Now, the thing is that I'd like to modify this to support a TTL-like (time to live) flag, so the file path would be added o more than n times.

How could I do this, while keeping the bool process(String path) function signature? I don't want to modify that.

I thought about holding a map, or a list that counts how many times the process function returned false for a path and drop the path from the list at the n-th return of false. I wonder how can this be done more dynamically, and preferably I'd like the TTL to automatically decrement itself at each new addition to the process. I hope I am not talking trash. Maybe using something like this

class JobData
   public string path;
   public short ttl;

   public  static implicit operator String(JobData jobData) {jobData.ttl--; return jobData.path;}
like image 558
AlexandruC Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 13:06


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1 Answers

I like the idea of a JobData class, but there's already an answer demonstrating that, and the fact that you're working with file paths give you another possible advantage. Certain characters are not valid in file paths, and so you could choose one to use as a delimiter. The advantage here is that the queue type remains a string, and so you would not have to modify any of your existing asynchronous code. You can see a list of reserved path characters here:


For our purposes, I'll use the percent (%) character. Then you can modify your code as follows, and nothing else needs to change:

const int startingTTL = 100;
const string delimiter = "%";

    String[] path =  queue.pop().Split(delimiter.ToCharArray());
    int ttl = path.Length > 1?--int.Parse(path[1]):startingTTL;

    else if (ttl > 0)
        queue.pushback(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", path[0], delimiter,ttl));             
        Console.WriteLine("TTL expired for path: {0}" path[0]);

Again, from a pure architecture standpoint, a class with two properties is a better design... but from a practical standpoint, YAGNI: this option means you can avoid going back and changing other asynchronous code that pushes into the queue. That code still only needs to know about the strings, and will work with this unmodified.

One more thing. I want to point out that this is a fairly tight loop, prone to running away with a cpu core. Additionally, if this is the .Net queue type and your tight loop gets ahead of your asynchronous produces to empty the queue, you'll throw an exception, which would break out of the while(true) block. You can solve both issues with code like this:


        String[] path =  queue.pop().Split(delimiter.ToCharArray());
        int ttl = path.Length > 1?--int.Parse(path[1]):startingTTL;

        else if (ttl > 0)
            queue.pushback(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", path[0], delimiter,ttl));             
            Console.WriteLine("TTL expired for path: {0}" path[0]);
    catch(InvalidOperationException ex)
        //Queue.Dequeue throws InvalidOperation if the queue is empty... sleep for a bit before trying again
like image 115
Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Joel Coehoorn