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Deserializing to an F# type using json.net and a json property containing an @ symbol




I have a F# type which I deserialize to an object from the content of a HTTP web request. The API which I am calling uses an odata protocol and the content of that request has the following format with contains the key @odata.context.


I am using Json.net to deserialize the content back to my F# type, the F# type is as follows

type Success = {
    [<JsonProperty(PropertyName = "@odata.context")>]
    ``odata.context``: string;
    Value: string; }

odata.context is always null in this situation.

I have tried both the following (with the @ symbol in the F# type property name) and the result is NULL

let test1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Success>("{\"@odata.context\": \"odata.context\", \"Value\": \"token\"}"))

(without the @ symbol in the F# type property name) This gets deserialized correctly.

let test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Success>("{\"odata.context\": \"odata.context\", \"Value\": \"token\"}"))

I believe this could be to do with the @ symbol in the property name.

Any ideas on a solution would be great.

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Alan Mulligan Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 08:02

Alan Mulligan

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1 Answers

If you don't have the opportunity to update Json.Net to a newer (e.g. 8.0.2), you can use a Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.


open System
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

type Success = {
    ``odata.context``: string;
    Value: string; }

let json =  "{\"@odata.context\":\"OData\",\"Value\":\"token\"}"

let p = JObject.Parse(json)

{``odata.context`` = p.["@odata.context"] |> string ;Value = p.["Value"] |> string}
|> printfn "%A"


{odata.context = "OData";
 Value = "token";}



like image 151
FoggyFinder Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11
