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Dereferencing a map index in Golang




I'm learning Go currently and I made this simple and crude inventory program just to tinker with structs and methods to understand how they work. In the driver file I try to call a method from and item type from the items map of the Cashier type. My method have pointer reciever to use the structs directly instead of making copies. When I run the program I get this error .\driver.go:11: cannot call pointer method on f[0] .\driver.go:11: cannot take the address of f[0]


package inventory

type item struct{
    itemName string
    amount int

type Cashier struct{
    items map[int]item
    cash int

func (c *Cashier) Buy(itemNum int){
    item, pass := c.items[itemNum]

    if pass{
        if item.amount == 1{
            delete(c.items, itemNum)
        } else{
            c.items[itemNum] = item 

func (c *Cashier) AddItem(name string, amount int){
    if c.items == nil{
        c.items = make(map[int]item)
    temp := item{name, amount}
    index := len(c.items)
    c.items[index] = temp

func (c *Cashier) GetItems() map[int]item{
    return c.items;

func (i *item) GetName() string{
    return i.itemName

func (i *item) GetAmount() int{
    return i.amount


package main

import "fmt"
import "inventory"

func main() {
    x := inventory.Cashier{}
    x.AddItem("item1", 13)
    f := x.GetItems()


The part of the code that really pertains to my problem is the GetAmount function in inventory.go and print statement in the driver.go

like image 592
user1721803 Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 17:11


3 Answers

A map entry cannot be addressed (as its address might change during map growth/shrink), so you cannot call pointer receiver methods on them.

Detail here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/golang-nuts/4_pabWnsMp0

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Volker Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10


As Volker said in his answer - you can't get address of an item in the map. What you should do - is to store pointers to items in your map, instead of storing item values:

package main

import "fmt"

type item struct {
    itemName string
    amount   int

type Cashier struct {
    items map[int]*item
    cash  int

func (c *Cashier) Buy(itemNum int) {
    item, pass := c.items[itemNum]

    if pass {
        if item.amount == 1 {
            delete(c.items, itemNum)
        } else {

func (c *Cashier) AddItem(name string, amount int) {
    if c.items == nil {
        c.items = make(map[int]*item)
    temp := &item{name, amount}
    index := len(c.items)
    c.items[index] = temp

func (c *Cashier) GetItems() map[int]*item {
    return c.items

func (i *item) GetName() string {
    return i.itemName

func (i *item) GetAmount() int {
    return i.amount

func main() {
    x := Cashier{}
    x.AddItem("item1", 13)
    f := x.GetItems()
    fmt.Println(f[0].GetAmount()) // 13
    f = x.GetItems()
    fmt.Println(f[0].GetAmount()) // 12


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Kluyg Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10


While the other answers are useful, I think in this case it is best just to make non-mutating functions not take a pointer:

func (i item) GetName() string{
    return i.itemName

func (i item) GetAmount() int{
    return i.amount
like image 3
Andrew W. Phillips Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Andrew W. Phillips