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Derby Select over subquery not working

Does Derby not allow you to select over the returned relation of another query?

For example, this query works fine:

FROM users, stats 
WHERE users.uid = stats.uid;

but this query returns an error:

SELECT username, hits 
  FROM users, stats 
  WHERE users.uid = stats.uid

The error reads:

Error: Syntax error: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 83.
SQLState:  42X01
ErrorCode: 30000

I am used to Oracle where this works fine.

The above query is just an example, I know I can select username, hits originally without the need for a nested query.

like image 294
c_breeez Avatar asked Jul 28 '14 16:07


1 Answers

As mentioned by xQbert above, Derby requires you to alias tables in an inline query.

The solution to the question is to do this:

SELECT username, hits 
  FROM users, stats 
  WHERE users.uid = stats.uid
) AS tmp;

Thanks for the help xQbert

like image 123
c_breeez Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
