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Depth First Search Algorithm Prolog

I am hoping you could help me with this.

I am trying to learn about Depth First search algorithm in Prolog and I have come across the following code

go(Start, Goal) :-
   stack(Start, Empty_been_list, Been_list),
   path(Start, Goal, Been_list).

% path implements a depth first search in PROLOG

% Current state = goal, print out been list
path(Goal, Goal, Been_list) :-

path(State, Goal, Been_list) :-
    mov(State, Next),
    % not(unsafe(Next)),
    not(member_stack(Next, Been_list)),
    stack(Next, Been_list, New_been_list),
    path(Next, Goal, New_been_list), !.

reverse_print_stack(S) :-
reverse_print_stack(S) :-
    stack(E, Rest, S),
    write(E), nl.

I kind of understand what is going on, but I cant for the life of me find or invent some facts that I can use with it.

Please help. Even if its a really simple set of facts, I just need somewhere to start

Thank you in advance

like image 691
Sean Gray Avatar asked Nov 21 '14 16:11

Sean Gray

People also ask

Does Prolog use depth first search?

Prolog's default search algorithm is depth-first search (DFS), which is sometimes not convenient: DFS doesn't always find the solution for all problems, and when it does, it might not find the optimal solution.

Which algorithm is applied in depth first search?

Depth-first search is often used as a subroutine in network flow algorithms such as the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. DFS is also used as a subroutine in matching algorithms in graph theory such as the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm. Depth-first searches are used in mapping routes, scheduling, and finding spanning trees.

What is depth first search with example?

Depth First Search ExampleWe use an undirected graph with 5 vertices. We start from vertex 0, the DFS algorithm starts by putting it in the Visited list and putting all its adjacent vertices in the stack. Next, we visit the element at the top of stack i.e. 1 and go to its adjacent nodes.

How do you implement boyfriends in Prolog?

To implement a breadth-first search in Prolog, we can use the built-in findall predicate, which can return a list of all solutions to an arbitrary goal. Normally Prolog returns solutions one at a time, but findall returns them all in a list: ?- member(X, [10, 11, 12]).

1 Answers

The Following is an example of DFS used in prolog code

% solve( Node, Solution):
%    Solution is an acyclic path (in reverse order) between Node and a goal

solve( Node, Solution)  :-
  depthfirst( [], Node, Solution).

% depthfirst( Path, Node, Solution):
%   extending the path [Node | Path] to a goal gives Solution

depthfirst( Path, Node, [Node | Path] )  :-
   goal( Node).

depthfirst( Path, Node, Sol)  :-
  s( Node, Node1),
  \+ member( Node1, Path),                % Prevent a cycle
  depthfirst( [Node | Path], Node1, Sol).

depthfirst2( Node, [Node], _)  :-
   goal( Node).

depthfirst2( Node, [Node | Sol], Maxdepth)  :-
   Maxdepth > 0,
   s( Node, Node1),
   Max1 is Maxdepth - 1,
   depthfirst2( Node1, Sol, Max1).


In order to test this code head over to Swish SWI prolog and paste this into terminal.

Then query the code and type on right hand side: solve(a, Sol)

The solution will be: Sol = [j, e, b, a]

You can debug this code by typing: trace, (solve(a, Sol)).

The Following is an example of BFS used in prolog code

Head over to swish and query it using the same steps as before

The solution will be: Sol = [f, c, a]

% solve( Start, Solution):
%    Solution is a path (in reverse order) from Start to a goal

solve( Start, Solution)  :-
  breadthfirst( [ [Start] ], Solution).

% breadthfirst( [ Path1, Path2, ...], Solution):
%   Solution is an extension to a goal of one of paths

breadthfirst( [ [Node | Path] | _], [Node | Path])  :-
  goal( Node).

breadthfirst( [Path | Paths], Solution)  :-
  extend( Path, NewPaths),
  append( Paths, NewPaths, Paths1),
  breadthfirst( Paths1, Solution).

extend( [Node | Path], NewPaths)  :-
  bagof( [NewNode, Node | Path],
         ( s( Node, NewNode), \+ member( NewNode, [Node | Path] ) ),

extend( Path, [] ).              % bagof failed: Node has no successor

Hope this helps for understanding DFS and BFS

Use this diagram to help you understand the tree

enter image description here

like image 128
dave o grady Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11

dave o grady