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Deployment Concepts: Packaging JAR Dependencies, When & Why

So I'm relatively new to Java EE and I am having a tough time understanding when, where and why Java deployment files are packaged with their dependencies.

Say I build my project into myapp.jar, and it depends on fizz.jar, buzz.jar and JODA (joda-time-2.0.jar).

I've heard that the default classloader doesn't package jars inside of other jars, so I have to assume that if I called a jar task from Ant, then the default classloader would get invoked and myapp.jar would be created without those 3 dependencies in it.

Is this because the mentality is to deploy main-less jars in containers or other systems that will provide its requirements at runtime? If not, then how does myapp.jar ever run correctly?

What about executable jars? To met, these must be different than main-less jars, because they are meant to be standalone units, right? That means they would need all of their dependencies packaged with them, right?

Last but not least, what about jars that depend on jars that depend on jars...etc. (i.e., dependencygraphs that are huge)?

I guess all of these questions can be summed up as follows:

  1. Is the idea behind a non-executable jar that it will be ran in such a way that it will know what classpath(s) to look on for its dependencies at runtime? (And thus doesn't need to be packaged with its dependencies)?
  2. Is the idea behind an executable jar that it is a standalone unit and should be pacakged with its dependencies?
  3. If my assertion to Question #1 above is correct, how does such classpath configuration take place? Are these settings that are stored inside the jar (such as in the manifest)? Else, how would a JRE know where to search for a particular jars dependencies at runtime?

Answers to these questions will actually clarify quite a lot of hangups I have with Java fundamentals, and so any input/help here will be appreciated enormously! Thanks

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IAmYourFaja Avatar asked Sep 19 '11 15:09


People also ask

Does jar file include dependencies?

Normally, when we package a project into a jarW file, the jar file doesn't contain its dependencies, so the dependency jar files would need to be included in the classpathW in order to execute a class in the project's jar file that uses one of the dependencies.

How do you get dependencies of a jar?

Main class in the tools. jar file. Use the -verbose:class option to find class-level dependencies or use the -v or -verbose option to include dependencies from the same JAR file. Use the -R or -recursive option to analyze the transitive dependencies of the com.

Where are jar files deployed?

JAR files and Tomcat The right place to put a JAR file to make its contents available to a Java web application at runtime is in the WEB-INF\lib directory of the WAR file in which the application is packaged.

What is dependency jar?

A dependency is some code which your project depends on. In Java, a dependency is normally packaged into a “. jar” file. (A jar file is basically a zip file which contains compiled Java classes, and some configuration files.) In Maven, you declare your project's dependencies in your pom. xml file.

1 Answers

Jars do not know about other jars (unless assisted by some tools like Maven). The inter dependency of the jars is purely resolved by the Classloaders. I strongly recommend to have some idea about classloaders.

To address your questions,

Is the idea behind a non-executable jar that it will be ran in such a way that it will know what classpath(s) to look on for its dependencies at runtime? (And thus doesn't need to be packaged with its dependencies)?

  • NO. As mentioned, it's the classloader which looks the classpath and the jars mentioned therein. The jars do not have any information about other jars.

Is the idea behind an executable jar that it is a standalone unit and should be packaged with its dependencies?

  • NO. A classloader loads the standalone executable jars at the start of execution. If it needs other dependency jars it'll look into the classpath for those jars.

If my assertion to Question #1 above is correct, how does such classpath configuration take place? Are these settings that are stored inside the jar (such as in the manifest)? Else, how would a JRE know where to search for a particular jars dependencies at runtime?

  • For standalone jar (executable jar), the classloader looks for the classpath variable OR classpath passed while invoking the application.
  • For other type of application (WAR, EAR), There are predefined places/folders where the dependencies should be placed in order to get picked up. This is standardized by specs.

In a nutshell, it's the classloader which is pulling all the threads. There is standard places where it looks for all the dependent jars. This link nicely describes how the classloaders in standalone application and in a deployed (in some container) works.

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Santosh Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
