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Deploying to Google App Engine does not work due to health check interval even though I am below the limit

I recently made some changes to my app.yaml file (for a Node.js project) and decided to extend my health check pings to 4 minute intervals. According to the app.yaml documentation, the check_interval_sec should contain an integer t hat represents the number of seconds between a health check is conducted. This defaults to 5 but I wanted to change it so I did the following:

# [START app_yaml]
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
    min_num_instances: 1
    max_num_instances: 2
    enable_health_check: True
    check_interval_sec: 240
    timeout_sec: 4
    unhealthy_threshold: 2
    healthy_threshold: 2
    NODE_ENV: development
# [END app_yaml]

As you can see, I set the limit to 240 seconds which is 4 minutes. When I deploy the application, it throws the following error:

[{\"domain\":\"global\",\"message\":\"Invalid value for field 'resource.checkIntervalSec': '7200'. Must be less than or equal to 300\",\"reason\":\"invalid\"}]

Notice that the error says my check_interval_sec must be below 300 but apparently I submitted 7200? Not sure what's going on here. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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JackH Avatar asked Mar 19 '17 13:03


1 Answers

Known problem, see issue 36024384.

The value configured in the app.yaml file is apparently multiplied by a value. More recently, including in your case, the multiplier appears to be 30.

So try to set it to 8 ;) And keep an eye on the issue (star it to get email updates) as when the fix will be deployed you'd probably want to update the configured value.

like image 122
Dan Cornilescu Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Dan Cornilescu