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Deploying F# exe





I have an F# program I built in VS2013. I am intending to deploy this on a windows 2008 R2 server with .NET framework 4.5 installed. Now, when I build the program in visual studio, it creates an exe in the debug/bin directory (MyProgram.exe). Do I need to include a copy of fharp.core.dll with the exe? Or, will the build process automatically compile the necessary dependancy DLLs (fsharp.core, fsharp.data, fsharp.data.TypeProviders)? Most of the research I can search online for seems to look at VS2010 and I am not using fsc,exe currently.

Thanks for any insight provided.

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RT1138 Avatar asked Mar 27 '15 14:03


1 Answers

You can use the compiler option --standalone to statically links the FSharp.Core.dll (F# runtime) and any reference assemblies that depend on it (i.e. any other F# assemblies).

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rasmusm Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09
