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Deploy the backend and frontend on the same Heroku app/dyno


At the root of my project, I have a frontend and backend folder. Both folders contain a package.json that list their dependencies. How do I tell Heroku to run npm install on both folders when deploying the application? It seems like Heroku expects to have a single package.json file by default. Do I have to do something with a Procfile? The Heroku documentation doesn't seem to tell much about my specific question.

Thanks for the help!

like image 378
Maxime Dupré Avatar asked Apr 08 '16 16:04

Maxime Dupré

People also ask

Can I deploy frontend and backend on Heroku?

Deploying App to Heroku It is important to note that the frontend and backend portions of our app will be deployed to Heroku as separate apps.

How do I deploy a full stack app to Heroku?

In the Heroku GUI, within your app's dashboard, navigate to the Deploy tab and click the Deploy Branch button. After the app finishes building, click the View button to see your new full-stack app up-and-running.

Can we deploy backend on Heroku?

js Backend on Heroku. Building applications locally is probably the easiest way to develop. But sometimes, when it comes to getting it on the Web, you have a lot to consider.

1 Answers

I just successfully completed this goal using static files created during a heroku postbuild step, as described in this blogpost. I have a React frontend (could be anything though) and Express API backend. Each process has its own port in dev, but deploying on Heroku uses just one total.

  1. Put the working frontend in a subdirectory of root (such as /frontend).
  2. Put the working backend in a subdirectory of root (such as /api -- the blogpost assumes the backend remains in the root directory -- either way is fine).
  3. Proxy API requests from the frontend to the backend by adding this line to /frontend/package.json (replacing 5000 with your backend port):

    "proxy": "http://localhost:5000",

  4. Add the following to api/app.js (or api/index.js) in the backend (be sure the last part is AFTER you define the appropriate backend [or api] paths):

const path = require('path')    // Serve static files from the React frontend app  app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../frontend/build')))    // AFTER defining routes: Anything that doesn't match what's above, send back index.html; (the beginning slash ('/') in the string is important!)  app.get('*', (req, res) => {    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/../frontend/build/index.html'))  })
  1. Edit the root directory's /package.json file with something like the following (note that using the concurrently package allows an easy way to run the whole app locally with npm run dev, but only heroku-postbuild is required here):

  "scripts": {      "frontend": "cd frontend && npm start",      "api": "cd api && nodemon app.js",      "dev": "concurrently --kill-others-on-fail \"npm run api\" \"npm run frontend\"",      "heroku-postbuild": "cd frontend && npm install && npm run build"    },
  1. Make sure you install all backend package dependencies in the root directory, or you will get errors.
  2. Make sure your /Procfile has something like web: node api/app.js
like image 78
Michael S. Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Michael S.