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Delphi - Is there a suitable WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for VCL/FMX app? [closed]


I need a WYSIWYG editor Component that I can use in the Delphi application to create the body of the email in HTML.

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Pieter van Wyk Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 10:01

Pieter van Wyk

People also ask

Is there a Wysiwyg HTML editor?

Adobe Dreamweaver is a great WYSIWYG HTML editor, but it does so much more as well. You can use it to edit code in JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and more. On top of that, Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to use layouts and templates to make the process simpler.

What is an example of HTML WYSIWYG editor?

1. HubSpot. This WYSIWYG editor comes free with HubSpot's CMS Hub and Marketing Hub. It makes it easy to build and preview websites whether you're an advanced developer or new to coding.

How do I create an HTML WYSIWYG editor?

Essentially the steps are: Download and install the editor JavaScript code. Create or edit a Web form that contains one or more textarea elements. Add a small chunk of JavaScript to convert the textarea element(s) into WYSIWYG editor(s)

What are WYSIWYG editors why are they used give two examples of WYSIWYG editors?

WYSIWYG editors enable users to manipulate the content or layout without having to type any commands. For example, when users write a document using a word processor, it uses WYSIWYG, as what they create, format and edit is replicated in the printed document or PDF file.

2 Answers

We've used TRichView just recently to do HTML email functionality and found it quite adequate. We did evaluate WpTools and it does do exactly what we wanted however for our needs it was just too expensive especially when we always try and purchase site licences.

One thing we did find with WpTools is that it did implement a visual component or set of visual components that you could drop onto a form that implement the whole WYSIWYG UI (e.g. toolbars and such). It took a bit longer with TRichView to achieve the same thing.

Regarding conversion from/to html - TRichView can export html natively, however requires third-party libraries to import html which unfortunately (for us) are not commercially backed (i.e. community driven). So we've resorted to storing all content in RichText natively and only when sending the email do we convert it to html. WpTools has the ability to import/export to html natively.

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Nick Brooks Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Nick Brooks

I have been looking for this as well for several years now.

  • The best solution I found, until now, is WpTools from WpCubed. It's not an exact Html editor, but an advanced word processing component which offers a copy mode to and from html. I am currently working on using this component in my Sitestepper web creation software (in the StepEdit html-editor to offer wysiwyg possibility). I think that certainly for email editing this could be used (although maybe a bit pricy for what you are looking for). I know the author is working an a better exchange to and from html.

    But to be honest, I don't think you will find anything if you need a Delphi component.

  • I used to use HtmlEdit from Purposesoft, but I think this product has got his limitations and it's not fully supported anymore. But maybe for your purpose it's ok.

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Edelcom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
