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Deleting rows (working backwards), but use a range variable?

Often times it's required that you go through a range of cells, and based on some criteria, delete an entire row.

In practice, it's best to start at the end of the range, and work up.

Dim i as Long
For i = lastRow to 1 Step -1
    If Cells(i, 2).Value = "del" then Rows(i).EntireRow.Delete
End if

However, most of the time I'm working with a Range object.

Is there a way to work backwards, with a range object, that doesn't require the use of a For i type loop?

Dim rng as Range, cel as Range
Set rng = Range("A1:A100")

For each cel in rng step -1
   if cel.value = "del" then cel.EntireRow.Delete
next cel

This errors Expected: End of Statement on the Step -1 portion, which I expected (no pun intended).

The idea is that I don't have to basically re-arrange my data into Cells() when trying to work backwards on a Range variable. I find it a little kludgy to use range variables a bunch, but when wanting to remove rows from that range, have to switch to using Cells([long],[long]) if that makes sense.

Edit: Just came up with this, but it still feels kludgy:

Dim k As Long, cel as Range
Set cel = rng.cells(rng.cells.count)
For k = cel.Row To rng.Cells(1).Row Step -1
    If rng.Cells(k).Value = "del" Then rng.Cells(k).EntireRow.Delete
Next k
like image 740
BruceWayne Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 20:12


2 Answers

Yes, you can do it without a For i = statement. Just create a special range that you will delete once you finish your loop.

Dim cel As Range, rng As Range
Dim delRng As Range

For Each cel In rng
    If cel.Value = "del" Then
        If delRng Is Nothing Then
            Set delRng = cel
            Set delRng = Union(delRng, cel)
        End If
    End If
Next cel

If Not delRng Is Nothing Then delRng.EntireRow.Delete

And you don't even have to step backwards.

like image 144
K.Dᴀᴠɪs Avatar answered Feb 19 '23 15:02


The other way round

"Is there a way to work backwards, with a range object, that doesn't require the use of a For i type loop?"

In addition to @K-Davis ' valid solution, I demonstrate how to use the advanced filtering possibilties of the Application.Index method. It only expects three arguments:

  • a 2-dim datafield array v based on the entire data set
  • a 1-dim array of the row numbers to be maintained, called via a helper function getAr(v, 1), where argument 1 defines the 1st column
  • (a 1-dim array of all columns, created automatically via Evaluate)

Instead of deleting rows, this approach used the whole data set (e.g. A2:C10 omitting an assumed title row) and writes back the filtered datafield array assigning it to rng again.

Main procedure

Sub DelRows()
  Dim rng As Range,  v
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:C10") ' << change to entire data range
' [1a] create 2-dim data field array (1-based)
  v = rng.Value2
' [1b] filter out rows to be deleted
  v = Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, getAr(v, 1), Evaluate("row(1:" & rng.Columns.Count & ")")))
' [2] write data field back to resized range
  rng = ""                                  ' clear lines
  rng.Resize(UBound(v), UBound(v, 2)) = v
End Sub

Helper function getAr()

Function getAr(v, ByVal colNo&) As Variant()
' Purpose: collect row numbers not to be deleted (criteria no "DEL" in 1st column)
' Note:    called by above procedure DelRows
  Dim ar, i&, n&
  ReDim ar(0 To UBound(v) - 1)
  For i = 1 To UBound(v)
      If UCase$(v(i, colNo)) <> "DEL" Then
         ar(n) = i: n = n + 1
      End If
  Next i
  ReDim Preserve ar(0 To n - 1): getAr = ar
End Function

Related SO link

Cf. Insert new first column in datafield array without loops or API calls

like image 33
T.M. Avatar answered Feb 19 '23 14:02
