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Deleting non existing record should raise an error in sqlalchemy

Why deleting non-existing record does not raise an error in sqlalchemy. no feedback on whether the record was deleted or not.


Thank you for your clarification.

like image 787
zorro Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 16:02


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2 Answers

I don't think it is an error. For example it is perfectly legal to issue a query to delete records in sql that "don't exist"

If i have a table 'posts' with a column 'id'. with no records


It is perfectly valid sql, there is no error, even though there are no rows

I am not too familiar with sqlalchmey but could you check to see if value exists first?

element = session.query(Element).filter(Element.id==ElementId).first()
if element:
   # delete element
   # raise exception

The above will issue an additional query though...

Also, if you want a delete method that raises error you can create your own session class Change SQLAlchemy's Session.delete() behaviour and override delete

As zzzeek points out delete with a criteria

Returns the number of rows deleted, excluding any cascades.

Which is another option for seeing if any rows are deleted

like image 164
dm03514 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09


Actually, sqlalchemy delete operation returns number of affected rows. So you can check and if affected rows is 0 then you can raise error.

effected_rows = session.query(Element).filter(Element.id==ElementId).delete()
if effected_rows == 0:
    # raise exception
    # delete element

This works for me.

like image 40
madogan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
