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Delete, Truncate or Drop to clean out a table in MySQL


I am attempting to clean out a table but not get rid of the actual structure of the table. I have an id column that is auto-incrementing; I don't need to keep the ID number, but I do need it to keep its auto-incrementing characteristic. I've found delete and truncate but I'm worried one of these will completely drop the entire table rendering future insert commands useless.

How do I remove all of the records from the table so that I can insert new data?

like image 867
Doug Molineux Avatar asked Apr 08 '10 16:04

Doug Molineux

People also ask

Is it better to TRUNCATE or DROP TABLE?

To remove all rows from a large table and leave the table structure, use TRUNCATE TABLE . It's faster than DELETE . To remove an entire table, including its structure and data, use DROP TABLE .

What is difference between delete and TRUNCATE and DROP in MySQL?

DROP and TRUNCATE are DDL commands, whereas DELETE is a DML command. DELETE operations can be rolled back (undone), while DROP and TRUNCATE operations cannot be rolled back.

Which is faster delete or TRUNCATE or DROP?

The TRUNCATE command is faster than both the DROP and the DELETE command. Like the DROP command we also can't rollback the data after using the this command.

How to clean out a table in MySQL?

Delete, Truncate or Drop to clean out a table in MySQL. However, it's better to use truncate over delete because delete removes the data by each row, thus having a performance hit than truncate. However, truncate will not work on InnoDB tables where referential integrity is enforced unless it is turned off before the truncate command is issued.

What is the difference between truncate and drop in MySQL?

TRUNCATE will reset your auto-increment seed (on InnoDB tables, at least), although you could note its value before truncating and re-set accordingly afterwards using alter table: Drop will do just that....drop the table in question, unless the table is a parent to another table.

What is the difference between delete and truncate in SQL?

TRUNCATE is faster than DELETE, as it doesn't scan every record before removing it. TRUNCATE TABLE locks the whole table to remove data from a table; thus, this command also uses less transaction space than DELETE.

What is the difference between drop and delete in SQL?

DROP deletes the entire table, including all data and the definitions of the table columns. So, after you have carried out a DROP command, the whole table will be gone and can not be recovered. In contrast, DELETE and TRUNCATE are only deleting the data from the table, while the table definitions are remaining.

1 Answers

drop table will remove the entire table with data

delete * from table will remove the data, leaving the autoincrement values alone. it also takes a while if there's a lot of data in the table.

truncate table will remove the data, reset the autoincrement values (but leave them as autoincrement columns, so it'll just start at 1 and go up from there again), and is very quick.

like image 193
chris Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
