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Delete Method in Axios, Laravel and VueJS





I am trying to send a delete request via axios to laravel as follow:

axios.delete('api/users/' + this.checkedNames)
.then((response) => {
}, (error) => {
    // error callback

Now from axios documentation I read that for delete request we should be using a configObject so the above could be rewritten as so:

axios.delete('api/users/', {params: {ids:     
.then((response) => {
}, (error) => {
    // error callback

I have then Route::resource('users', 'UsersController'); in api.php so the default route for deleting is:

DELETE| api/users/{user}| users.destroy 

and the controller's method is:


I am able to delete as expected a user when I pass a single id let's say api/users/12, it gets deleted correctly but when I try to pass the array above things get complicated.

if I try as per axios documentation axios.delete('api/users/', {params: {id: this.checkedNames}}) it looks I am sending this http://lorillacrud.dev/api/users?id[]=21&id[]=20 but I get a 405 method not allowed.

if I try axios.delete('api/users/' + this.checkedNames ) I get http://lorillacrud.dev/api/users/20,21 so in my destroy method I could grab the ids and delete, but I am wondering if this is the correct way to do it?


I seemed I made it work but I am not understanding so any help still appreciated to make a sense of what I am actually making work!

So, if change to:

axios.delete('api/users/destroy', {params: {'id': this.checkedNames})

and in my destroy method:

    if ($request->id) {
        foreach ($request->id as $id) {


// not deletes the user
axios.delete('api/users/destroy', {params: {id: id}}) 

// ok deletes the users when using request->id in a for loop in the destroy laravel method.
axios.delete('api/users/destroy', {params: {ids: this.checkedNames}}) 

// ok deletes one user
axios.delete('api/users/' + id)

sorry guys but I have a lot of confusion why and what !!!

The route name is user.destroy why does it work when I pass an array and it does not when I pass a single value, why viceversa the route with method delete will not delete when pass an array ???

Any difference between using api/users/destroy vs api/users only?

Thanks for any help on this!

like image 989
Lorenzo Beltrame Avatar asked Sep 24 '17 07:09

Lorenzo Beltrame

People also ask

How do you delete with Axios?

DELETE request using axios with async/await This sends the same DELETE request using axios, but this version uses an async function and the await javascript expression to wait for the promises to return (instead of using the promise then() method as above).

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To Use Axios Delete request with body and headers In ReactJS You Just need to Use axios. delete{URL,{headers:{},data:{}}} This Structure, Where You can Pass Authorization, and etc Params That you want to pass in your headers, and pass all body params in data{}. Now, You Can Easily Use Delete Request. Thank You.

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Axios is an Excellent HTTP library that executes on both client and a server, which makes an API request, does the task to produce the result and specifies easier concepts to read and debug. Vue. js is the front-end JavaScript Framework to build tools and libraries. The Axios works well in the platform like node.

Video Answer

3 Answers

I also experienced the same problem. This works for me:

deletePost: function(id) {
                axios.post('/posts/'+id,{_method: 'delete'})

Using axios.post() instead of axios.delete, and sending _method "delete"

like image 176
Elib Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


It is because of the method signatures. The default delete route when using Resource expects a single parameter. So when doing:

axios.delete('api/users', {params: {'id': this.checkedNames})

you are missing a required parameter. The route definition is

Route::delete('api/users/{id}', 'UserController@destroy');
// You are missing `id` here. So it won't work. 

Usually, if you are going to stray away from the default behavior, it is recommended to create your own function. So you could leave the default destroy($id) function as is to delete a single entry and write a new function that will delete many. Start by adding a route for it

Route::delete('api/users', 'UserController@deleteMany');

Then define the function to handle it

public function deleteMany(Request $request)
        User::whereIn('id', $request->id)->delete(); // $request->id MUST be an array
        return response()->json('users deleted');

    catch (Exception $e) {
        return response()->json($e->getMessage(), 500);

To summarise, your problem came from route definition. Your route from Axios did not match the route definition from Laravel, hence the 405.

like image 25
EddyTheDove Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09


I was having issue to send data as model while making delete request. I found a fix as follows:

deleteCall (itemId, jsonModel) {
return api.delete(`/users/${itemId}/accounts/`, {data: jsonModel})
like image 42
Ravi Anand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Ravi Anand