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Delete element in an array for julia


I've been wandering for a while in the docs and in forums and I haven't found a built in method/function to do the simple task of deleting an element in an array. Is there such built-in function?

I am asking for the equivalent of python's list.remove(x).

Here's an example of naively picking a function from the box:

julia> a=Any["D","A","s","t"] julia> pop!(a, "s") ERROR: MethodError: `pop!` has no method matching        pop!(::Array{Any,1},     ::ASCIIString) Closest candidates are:   pop!(::Array{T,1})   pop!(::ObjectIdDict, ::ANY, ::ANY)   pop!(::ObjectIdDict, ::ANY)   ... 

Here mentions to use deleteat!, but also doesn't work:

julia> deleteat!(a, "s") ERROR: MethodError: `-` has no method matching -(::Int64, ::Char) Closest candidates are:   -(::Int64)   -(::Int64, ::Int64)   -(::Real, ::Complex{T<:Real})   ...   in deleteat! at array.jl:621 
like image 913
user2820579 Avatar asked Feb 09 '16 17:02


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1 Answers

You can also go with filter!:

a = Any["D", "A", "s", "t"] filter!(e->e≠"s",a) println(a) 



This allows to delete several values at once, as in:


Note 1: In Julia 0.5, anonymous functions are much faster and the little penalty felt in 0.4 is not an issue anymore :-) .

Note 2: Code above uses unicode operators. With normal operators: is != and e∉[a,b] is !(e in [a,b])

like image 177
Dan Getz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Dan Getz