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Delete and Edit items in TreeView Tkinter




I want to delete a single row in a TreeView in Tkinter.

I know that this method:

def delButton(self):
    x = main.tree.get_children()
    for item in x:

deletes the whole tree. But I want to delete only one row. How can I do this?

Moreover, I want to know how to edit a TreeView row as well.

like image 689
J. Dru Avatar asked Sep 10 '15 21:09

J. Dru

1 Answers

You are not deleting the whole tree you are just deleting all children from the root item, because you use delete for each item in your iteration. You can use a ifstatement to determine which item you want, or you can get the selected item with selected_item = tree.selection()[0] and delete it. With the .item()method you can full access to the item for modification. Example:

from Tkinter import Tk, Button
import ttk

root = Tk()

tree = ttk.Treeview(root)

tree.column("one", width=100 )
tree.column("two", width=100)
tree.heading("one", text="coulmn A")
tree.heading("two", text="column B")

tree.insert("" , 0,    text="Line 1", values=("1A","1b"))

id2 = tree.insert("", 1, "dir2", text="Dir 2")
tree.insert(id2, "end", "dir 2", text="sub dir 2", values=("2A","2B"))

tree.insert("", 3, "dir3", text="Dir 3")
tree.insert("dir3", 3, text=" sub dir 3",values=("3A"," 3B"))

def edit():
    x = tree.get_children()
    for item in x: ## Changing all children from root item
        tree.item(item, text="blub", values=("foo", "bar"))

def delete():
    selected_item = tree.selection()[0] ## get selected item

button_del = Button(root, text="del", command=delete)
button_del = Button(root, text="edit", command=edit)

like image 158
VRage Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10
