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Delete All Azure Table Records

I have an Azure Storage Table and it has 3k+ records.

What is the most efficient way to delete all the rows in the table?

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CmdrTallen Avatar asked Oct 12 '14 14:10


People also ask

How do you clear a table storage in Azure?

Note: When deleting a lot of data from Azure Table Storage usually the fastest way is to just drop the whole table. However, we cannot be sure when exactly we're able to create a new table with the same name since it can take up to a minute or even longer for Azure to actually get rid of the table.

How do you delete a column in Azure table Storage?

you can do the same by using azure storage explorer. You can export the table of choice, delete the property in the CSV file and import it back in new table. drop the existing table and rename the new table to the existing one. This is kind of a work around.

What is Azure table storage?

Azure Table storage is a service that stores non-relational structured data (also known as structured NoSQL data) in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. Because Table storage is schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application evolve.

2 Answers

For 3000 records, easiest way would be to delete the table. However please note that when you delete the table, it is not deleted at that time but is put in some kind of queue to be deleted and is actually deleted some time later. This time depends on the load on the system + number of entities in the table. During this time, you will not be able to recreate this table or use this table.

If it is important for you to keep using the table, the only other option is to delete entities. For faster deletes, you can look at deleting entities using Entity Batch Transactions. But for deleting entities, you would need to first fetch the entities. You can speed up the fetching process by only fetching PartitionKey and RowKey attributes of the entities instead of fetching all attributes as only these two attributes are required for deleting an entity.

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Gaurav Mantri Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Gaurav Mantri

For someone finding this later, the problem with the accepted answer "just deleted the table" is that while it works great in the storage emulator, it will fail randomly in production. If your app/service requires regenerating tables regularly then you'll find that you'll have failures due to either conflicts or deletion still in progress.

Instead, I found the fastest and most error proof EF friendly approach to be deleting all rows within a segmented query. Below is a simple drop-in example that I'm using. Pass in your client, table name, and a type that implements ITableEntity.

private async Task DeleteAllRows<T>(string table, CloudTableClient client) where T: ITableEntity, new()
        // query all rows
        CloudTable tableref = client.GetTableReference(table);           
        var query = new TableQuery<T>();
        TableContinuationToken token = null;
            var result = await tableref.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token);  
            foreach (var row in result)
                var op = TableOperation.Delete(row);
            token = result.ContinuationToken;
        } while (token != null);  

Example Usage:

table = client.GetTableReference("TodayPerformanceSnapshot");
created = await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

    // not created, table already existed, delete all content
   await DeleteAllRows<TodayPerformanceContainer>("TodayPerformanceSnapshot", client);
   log.Information("Azure Table:{Table} Purged", table);

A batched approach takes significantly more effort since you have to handle both the "only same partition keys in a batch" and "only 100 rows" limitations. The following version of DeleteAllRows does this.

private async Task DeleteAllRows<T>(string table, CloudTableClient client) where T: ITableEntity, new()
        // query all rows
        CloudTable tableref = client.GetTableReference(table);           
        var query = new TableQuery<T>();
        TableContinuationToken token = null;            
        TableBatchOperation batchops = new TableBatchOperation();
        Dictionary<string, Stack<TableOperation>> pendingOperations = new Dictionary<string, Stack<TableOperation>>();
            var result = await tableref.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token);
            foreach (var row in result)
               var op = TableOperation.Delete(row);
                if (pendingOperations.ContainsKey(row.PartitionKey))
                    pendingOperations.Add(row.PartitionKey, new Stack<TableOperation>() );
            token = result.ContinuationToken;
        } while (token != null);

        // order by partition key            
        foreach (var key in pendingOperations.Keys)
            var rowStack = pendingOperations[key];
            int max = 100;
            int current = 0;

            while (rowStack.Count != 0)
                // dequeue in groups of 100
                while (current < max && rowStack.Count > 0)
                    var op = rowStack.Pop();

                //execute and reset
                _ = await tableref.ExecuteBatchAsync(batchops);
                log.Information($"Deleted batch of size:{batchops.Count}");
                current = 0;
like image 25
Jonathan M. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Jonathan M.