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Delegation to multiple objects



Is there any way to delegate to two objects at a time in Objective-C? I know that delegation pattern implies one response at a time and for multiple listeners and broadcasting there is notification center but notification does not return any value.

If I have a heavily network-based iOS project and need to delegate to multiple listeners and required to return values from them, in this scenario what approach should be the best?

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S.J Avatar asked Jan 11 '13 13:01


People also ask

What is a multicast delegate?

The multicast delegate contains a list of the assigned delegates. When the multicast delegate is called, it invokes the delegates in the list, in order. Only delegates of the same type can be combined. The - operator can be used to remove a component delegate from a multicast delegate.

What is multicast delegate Swift?

Save. Multicast Delegate is a generic wrapper around yet another delegate protocol, that means it create one-to-many delegate relationships. This allows providing an object with an array of delegates.

Why we use delegates in C#?

Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event. Methods don't have to match the delegate type exactly.

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1 Answers

In every class the delegate is one, so one delegate is informed about the event. But nothing forbids you to declare a class with a set of delegates.

Or use Observation instead. A class may be observed by multiple classes.


As requested from the OP, since also some code would be useful, here is a way of doing it:

@interface YourClass()  @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSPointerArray* delegates; // The user of the class shouldn't even know about this array // It has to be initialized with the NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory option so it doesn't retain objects  @end    @implementation YourClass  @synthesize delegates;  ...   // other methods, make sure to initialize the delegates set with alloc-initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory  - (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate {     [delegates addPointer: delegate]; }  - (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate {     // Remove the pointer from the array     for(int i=0; i<delegates.count; i++) {         if(delegate == [delegates pointerAtIndex: i]) {             [delegates removePointerAtIndex: i];             break;         }     } // You may want to modify this code to throw an exception if no object is found inside the delegates array }  @end 

This is a very simple version, you can do it in another way. I don't suggest to make public the delegates set, you never know how it could be used, and you can get an inconsistent state, specially with multithreading. Also, when you add/remove a delegate you may need to run additional code, so that's why making the delegates set private.
You may also a lot of other methods like delegatesCount for example.

PS: The code has been edited to be a NSPointerArray instead of a NSMutableSet, because as stated in the comments a delegate should be held with a weak pointer to avoid retain cycles.

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Ramy Al Zuhouri Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Ramy Al Zuhouri