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Delegate to a more specific Context Bound (additional implicit parameter)

I am trying to create an example of a ZIO Module, that has two implementations:

  1. Using YAML with circe-yaml
  2. Using HOCON with pureConfig

My general Interface looks like this:

trait Service[R] {
  def load[T <: Component](ref: CompRef): RIO[R, T]

Now my YAML implementation looks like:

def loadYaml[T <: Component: Decoder](ref: CompRef): RIO[Any, T] = {...}

The Decoder is implementation specific.

The problem is now how to delegate from the Service implementation to loadYaml.

I tried the following:

val components: Components.Service[Any] = new Components.Service[Any] {

  implicit val decodeComponent: Decoder[Component] =
        ).reduceLeft(_ or _)

   def load[T <: Component](ref: CompRef): RIO[Any, T] = loadYaml[T] (ref)

This gives me:

Error:(62, 20) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type io.circe.Decoder[T]
       loadYaml[T] (ref)

Is there a way to achieve this?

I created an example project on Github: zio-comps-module

The idea is described here: Decouple the Program from its Implementation with ZIO modules

like image 754
pme Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 08:10


1 Answers

Ok, I found a solution. All I had to do was to adjust the load function:

def load[T <: Component](ref: CompRef): RIO[ComponentsEnv, T] = {
  loadConf[Component](ref).map { case c: T => c }

First loadConf with the type Component.

Second cast result (Component) the the result type T.

This works but gives you ugly warnings:

[warn] /Users/mpa/dev/Github/pme123/zio-comps-module/hocon/src/pme123/zio/comps/hocon/HoconComps.scala:37:46: abstract type pattern T is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]       loadConf[Component](ref).map { case c: T => c }
[warn]                                              ^
[warn] /Users/mpa/dev/Github/pme123/zio-comps-module/hocon/src/pme123/zio/comps/hocon/HoconComps.scala:37:36: match may not be exhaustive.
[warn] It would fail on the following inputs: DbConnection(_, _, _, _), DbLookup(_, _, _, _), MessageBundle(_, _)
[warn]       loadConf[Component](ref).map { case c: T => c }
[warn]                                    ^
[warn] two warnings found

Update - I found a solution that get rid of the warnings:

After reading the warning unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure for the tenth time, I remembered that this could be solved with adding ClassTag as Context Bound.

The Service looks now

trait Service[R] {
  def load[T <: Component: ClassTag](ref: CompRef): RIO[R, T]
like image 100
pme Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
