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Defining spring bean using a class with generic parameters

If I have a class that looks something like this:

public class MyClass<T extends Enum<T>> {   public void setFoo(T[] foos) {     ....   } } 

How would I go about declaring this as a bean in my context xml so that I can set the Foo array assuming I know what T is going to be (in my example, let's say T is an enum with the values ONE and TWO)?

At the moment, having something like this is not enough to tell spring what the type T is:

<bean id="myClass" class="example.MyClass">   <property name="foo">     <list>       <value>ONE</value>       <value>TWO</value>     </list>   </property> </bean> 

Edit: Forgot the list tag.

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digiarnie Avatar asked Apr 28 '09 23:04


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1 Answers

Spring has no generic support for that case, but the compiler just creates a class cast in this case. So the right solution is:

<bean id="myClass" class="example.MyClass">   <property name="foo">     <list value-type="example.MyEnumType">       <value>ONE</value>       <value>TWO</value>     </list>   </property> </bean> 
like image 60
Arne Burmeister Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10

Arne Burmeister