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Defining lists in prolog scripts

I am new to prolog programming and have been told in a tutorial to define a list of structures (in a script) so that I can query it as a database. However I find it impossible to define this list as a variable in a script. When I define a list such as


I just receive an error saying

No permission to modify static_procedure `(=)/2'

Does prolog not support defining variables such as this? I am using SWI-Prolog under linux.

like image 784
woozle Avatar asked Apr 10 '12 10:04


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% add_tail(+List,+Element,-List) % Add the given element to the end of the list, without using the "append" predicate. add_tail([],X,[X]). add_tail([H|T],X,[H|L]):-add_tail(T,X,L).

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1 Answers

When you write

X = [a, b, c].

It's read as

=(X, [a, b, c]).

which is read as a definition of a fact concerning the =/2 predicate. A fact where any free variable would be equal to [a, b, c]. That is, you redefine =/2. That's obviously not what you intend!

You have to remember in Prolog that variables are scoped only locally, inside a predicate. What would work is:

main :-
    X = [a, b, c],
    % do stuff with X.
like image 80
m09 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
