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Defining const values in C

I have a C project where all code is organized in *.c/*.h file pairs, and I need to define a constant value in one file, which will be however also be used in other files. How should I declare and define this value?

Should it be as static const ... in the *.h file? As extern const ... in the *.h file and defined in the *.c file? In what way does it matter if the value is not a primitive datatype (int, double, etc), but a char * or a struct? (Though in my case it is a double.)

Defining stuff inside *.h files doesn't seem like a good idea generally; one should declare things in the *.h file, but define them in the *.c file. However, the extern const ... approach seems inefficient, as the compiler wouldn't be able to inline the value, it instead having to be accessed via its address all the time.

I guess the essence of this question is: Should one define static const ... values in *.h files in C, in order to use them in more that one place?

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Paggas Avatar asked Dec 10 '08 06:12


People also ask

How do you define a constant in C?

A constant is a name given to the variable whose values can't be altered or changed. A constant is very similar to variables in the C programming language, but it can hold only a single variable during the execution of a program.

How do you define const?

Const (constant) in programming is a keyword that defines a variable or pointer as unchangeable. A const may be applied in an object declaration to indicate that the object, unlike a standard variable, does not change. Such fixed values for objects are often termed literals.

Is const better than #define in C?

In general, const is a better option if we have a choice and it can successfully apply to the code. There are situations when #define cannot be replaced by const. For example, #define can take parameters (See this for example). #define can also be used to replace some text in a program with another text.

Can you modify const in C?

In C or C++, we can use the constant variables. The constant variable values cannot be changed after its initialization. In this section we will see how to change the value of some constant variables. If we want to change the value of constant variable, it will generate compile time error.

2 Answers

The rule I follow is to only declare things in H files and define them in C files. You can declare and define in a single C file, assuming it will only be used in that file.

By declaration, I mean notify the compiler of its existence but don't allocate space for it. This includes #define, typedef, extern int x, and so on.

Definitions assign values to declarations and allocate space for them, such as int x and const int x. This includes function definitions; including these in header files frequently lead to wasted code space.

I've seen too many junior programmers get confused when they put const int x = 7; in a header file and then wonder why they get a link error for x being defined more than once. I think at a bare minimum, you would need static const int x so as to avoid this problem.

I wouldn't be too worried about the speed of the code. The main issue with computers (in terms of speed and cost) long ago shifted from execution speed to ease of development.

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paxdiablo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09


If you need constants (real, compile time constants) you can do that three ways, putting them into header files (there is nothing bad with that):

enum {
    FOO_SIZE = 1234,
    BAR_SIZE = 5678

#define FOO_SIZE 1234
#define BAR_SIZE 5678

static const int FOO_SIZE = 1234;
static const int BAR_SIZE = 5678;

In C++, i tend to use the enum way, since it can be scoped into a namespace. For C, i use the macro. This basicially comes down to a matter of taste though. If you need floating point constants, you can't use the enumeration anymore. In C++ i use the last way, the static const double, in that case (note in C++ static would be redundant then; they would become static automatically since they are const). In C, i would keep using the macros.

It's a myth that using the third method will slow down your program in any way. I just prefer the enumeration since the values you get are rvalues - you can't get their address, which i regard as an added safety. In addition, there is much less boiler-plate code written. The eye is concentrated on the constants.

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Johannes Schaub - litb Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Johannes Schaub - litb