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define your own exceptions with overloaded constructors in scala

In java exceptions have at least these four constructors:

Exception()  Exception(String message)  Exception(String message, Throwable cause)  Exception(Throwable cause)  

If you want to define your own extensions, you just have to declare a descendent exceptions and implement each desired constructor calling the corresponden super constructor

How can you achieve the same thing in scala?

so far now I saw this article and this SO answer, but I suspect there must be an easier way to achieve such a common thing

like image 646
opensas Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 03:06


People also ask

What are exceptions in Scala?

An exception is an event that changes the normal flow of a program. Exception handling is the mechanism to respond to the occurrence of an exception. Exceptions can be checked or unchecked. Scala only allows unchecked exceptions, though.

How do I collect exceptions in Scala?

Like Java, Scala has a try/catch/finally construct to let you catch and manage exceptions. The main difference is that for consistency, Scala uses the same syntax that match expressions use: case statements to match the different possible exceptions that can occur.

How do we write code to throw an exception in Scala?

The throw keyword in Scala is used to explicitly throw an exception from a method or any block of code.In scala, throw keyword is used to throw exception explicitly and catch it. It can also be used to throw custom exceptions.

2 Answers

Default value for cause is null. And for message it is either cause.toString() or null:

val e1 = new RuntimeException()  e.getCause // res1: java.lang.Throwable = null  e.getMessage //res2: java.lang.String = null  val cause = new RuntimeException("cause msg") val e2 = new RuntimeException(cause)  e.getMessage() //res3: String = java.lang.RuntimeException: cause msg 

So you can just use default values:

class MyException(message: String = null, cause: Throwable = null) extends   RuntimeException(MyException.defaultMessage(message, cause), cause)  object MyException {   def defaultMessage(message: String, cause: Throwable) =     if (message != null) message     else if (cause != null) cause.toString()     else null }  // usage: new MyException(cause = myCause) // res0: MyException = MyException: java.lang.RuntimeException: myCause msg 
like image 73
senia Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


well, this is the best I've found so far

class MissingConfigurationException private(ex: RuntimeException) extends RuntimeException(ex) {   def this(message:String) = this(new RuntimeException(message))   def this(message:String, throwable: Throwable) = this(new RuntimeException(message, throwable)) }  object MissingConfigurationException {   def apply(message:String) = new MissingConfigurationException(message)   def apply(message:String, throwable: Throwable) = new MissingConfigurationException(message, throwable) } 

this way you may use the "new MissingConfigurationException" or the apply method from the companion object

Anyway, I'm still surprised that there isn't a simpler way to achieve it

like image 34
opensas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
