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Define RabbitMQ policies in configuration file


I'd like to define mirroring for all my queues by default. I currently have to use rabbitmqctl once the node is up:

rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "" '{"ha-mode":"all"}' 

If one of my nodes fail, I'd have to remember to re-execute that code on restart.

Is there a way to automatically configure my node to use mirrored queues?

like image 891
Tyler DeWitt Avatar asked Jul 27 '15 20:07

Tyler DeWitt

People also ask

How do I add a policy to RabbitMQ?

Defining Operator PoliciesNavigate to Admin > Policies > Add / update an operator policy. Enter "transient-queue-ttl" next to Name, "^amq\." next to Pattern, and select "Queues" next to Apply to. Enter "expires" = 1800000 in the first line next to Policy. Click Add policy.

Where is the RabbitMQ config file?

%APPDATA%\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq. config.

How do I change my RabbitMQ management port?

config under /etc/rabbitmq directory on linux servers. Locate the rabbitmq_management tuple and change the port value (default is 12345 , change it to whatever you want). Be sure to uncomment or add the following content into /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.

1 Answers

Policy CAN be specified in a definition file, which can be referred to from your config file.

Example of how I have set a specific policy (not sure if ha can be specified in policy):


[ {rabbit,     [{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.8}] }, {rabbitmq_management,     [{listener, [{port, 15672}]},      {load_definitions, "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq_definitions.json"},      {http_log_dir, "/var/log/rabbitmq/management_http.log"}] } ]. 


{       "users":[             {"name":"rabbot","password_hash":"Cvse5iGOg20UqUq7Za9D1tatOJnMVDru4GHtxqc02g7zj5ur","tags":""},             {"name":"rabnet","password_hash":"CqqG2fwvH6xz64NpibGJx2M7ZCyFnR1BQBM+C0KH2qRPmVxF","tags":"administrator"}],     "vhosts":[             {"name":"/"}],     "permissions":[             {"user":"viabot","vhost":"VIA","configure":".*","write":".*","read":".*"},             {"user":"vianet","vhost":"VIA","configure":".*","write":".*","read":".*"}],     "parameters":[],     "policies":[             {"vhost":"VIA","name":"DLX","pattern":".*","apply-to":"queues","definition":{"dead-letter-exchange":"dead_letter"},"priority":0}             ],     "queues":[             {"name":"store_to_es","vhost":"VIA","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"arguments":{}},             {"name":"store_to_mongodb","vhost":"VIA","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"arguments":{}}             ],     "exchanges":[             {"name":"data_incoming","vhost":"VIA","type":"fanout","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"internal":false,"arguments":{}},             {"name":"sms_incoming","vhost":"VIA","type":"fanout","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"internal":false,"arguments":{}}             ],     "bindings":[             {"source":"data_incoming","vhost":"VIA","destination":"store_to_es","destination_type":"queue","routing_key":"","arguments":{}},             {"source":"sms_incoming","vhost":"VIA","destination":"store_to_mongodb","destination_type":"queue","routing_key":"","arguments":{}}     ] } 

I am sharing this config file and definitions file as it was impossible to figure it out from the RabbitMQ web site.

Note: This config worked on RabbitMQ 3.6.1 running on Ubuntu 14.04  

like image 193
IvanD Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
