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Define a variable in Helm template

I need to define a variable based on an if statement and use that variable multiple times. In order not to repeat the if I tried something like this:

{{ if condition}}
    {{ $my_val = "http" }}
{{ else }}
    {{ $my_val = "https" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $my_val }}://google.com

However this returns an error:

Error: render error in "templates/deployment.yaml":
template: templates/deployment.yaml:30:28:
executing "templates/deployment.yaml" at
<include (print $.Template.BasePath "/config.yaml") .>: error calling
include: template: templates/config.yaml:175:59:
executing "templates/config.yaml" at <"https">: undefined variable: $my_val


like image 339
Moshe Avatar asked May 27 '19 10:05


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1 Answers

The most direct path to this is to use the ternary function provided by the Sprig library. That would let you write something like

{{ $myVal := ternary "http" "https" condition -}}
{{ $myVal }}://google.com

A simpler, but more indirect path, is to write a template that generates the value, and calls it

{{- define "scheme" -}}
{{- if condition }}http{{ else }}https{{ end }}
{{- end -}}

{{ template "scheme" . }}://google.com

If you need to include this in another variable, Helm provides an include function that acts just like template except that it's an "expression" rather than something that outputs directly.

{{- $url := printf "%s://google.com" (include "scheme" .) -}}
like image 172
David Maze Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

David Maze