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defaultValue or value not working on FormItem ANTD

I tried using the following code and the field never gets bind. The onChange property works well

const { getFieldDecorator, getFieldError, isFieldTouched } = this.props.form;
const NameError = isFieldTouched("Name") && getFieldError("Name");

<FormItem validateStatus={NameError ? "error" : ""} help={NameError || ""}>
  {getFieldDecorator("Name", {
    //initialValue: this.state.Data.Name,
    rules: [{ required: true, message: "Please input the component name!" }]

Am I missing something? I even used input instead of Input

EDIT On componentDidMount method I get the data from an API:

fetch('http://localhost:5728/Fields/get/' + this.state.Data.Id)
            return results.json()

                Data: {
                    Id: data.field.Id,
                    Name: data.field.Name,
                    Description: data.field.Description,
                    Value: data.field.Value


I tried using initialValue, but it only works when the state value is set on the constructor method. When calling the API, the change is not reflected.

like image 896
Flezcano Avatar asked Nov 07 '18 01:11


3 Answers

The docs states that:

You cannot set value of form control via value defaultValue prop, and you should set default value with initialValue in getFieldDecorator instead.

You shouldn't call setState manually, please use this.props.form.setFieldsValue to change value programmatically.

So you just need to call setFieldsValue when the data is loaded from the backend:

fetch('http://localhost:5728/Fields/get/' + this.state.Data.Id)
        return results.json()

                Id: data.field.Id,
                Name: data.field.Name,
                Description: data.field.Description,
                Value: data.field.Value

Or shorter, if data.field from backend totally matches the field names:

like image 174
Alex Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10


you can use hook, too

import { Form } from "antd"

const [form] = Form.useForm();

        return results.json()
           sample: data.dataYouWant

<Form form = {form}>
   <Form.Item name = "sample">
       <Input />
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Take Knowledge Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

Take Knowledge

For Class component V4:

class Demo extends React.Component {
  formRef = React.createRef();

  componentDidMount() {
      username: 'Bamboo',

  render() {
    return (
      <Form ref={this.formRef}>
        <Form.Item name="username" rules={[{ required: true }]}>
          <Input />
like image 45
Hassan Ali Shahzad Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Hassan Ali Shahzad