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Default MySQL database name




I'm trying to install mybb on a server but the admin is taking too long to respond. I have all the information I need except the database name. Is there a default name for mysql on a linux server?

like image 798
Rob Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 19:08


People also ask

How do I find MySQL database name?

Run the following query to show list of databases: SHOW DATABASES; You can run this statement from MySQL Command Line Client, MySQL Shell, as well as from any GUI tool that supports SQL—for example, dbForge Studio for MySQL. MySQL returns the results in a table with one column—Database.

What are the default databases?

The default database is one of the options when creating a login in SQL Server. This is the initial database that the login will connect to when logging in.

Does MySQL create a default database?

Every MySQL is shipped with default system schemas/databases.

2 Answers

There is no default database.

A fresh MySQL server install will have 0 databases. The install script will run mysql_install_db after the server is running to create a mysql database, which MySQL uses to store users and privileges. Don't put your data there.

You can create your own databases by issuing CREATE DATABASE [name] queries if your user has permission.

like image 67
Dan Grossman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Dan Grossman

No there is not...............

like image 30
Mchl Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
