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deep linking to redirect to play store if app not installed



I am using the concept of deep linking in my app what i actually want is when i share the link from my app its working fine it goes to the activity which i want to open in my app but problem is when a user is not having this app this link is opening through phone's browser and error is displayed of not found but i want to go to the play store if app is not installed. what approach should i try....


    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="http"
        <data android:scheme="https"

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swarnima Avatar asked Jan 25 '18 06:01


People also ask

What happens with a deep link if the app is not installed?

If the app is installed, the user will be taken to the app via the deep link. If and only if the app is not installed, the click will not go anywhere. Therefore, bidders should only create deep links for users that they know have previously installed the app, based on data from their analytics SDK(s).

How do you implement redirection to app Store if app is not installed?

If that's the case, for iOS to be able to redirect it to your app, you'll need to implement universal links. This implementation requires you to register the domain you want to respond to on your entitlements file and add an apple-app-site-association file to your backend.

Can you deep link to another app?

In the context of mobile apps, deep linking consists of using a uniform resource identifier (URI) that links to a specific location within a mobile app rather than simply launching the app. Deferred deep linking allows users to deep link to content even if the app is not already installed.

What is the difference between deep links and app links?

When a user click an URL, it might open a dialog which asks the user to select one of multiple apps handling the given URL. On the other hand, An Android App Link is a deep link based on your website URL that has been verified to belong to your website. When user clicks that URL, it opens your app.

1 Answers

I was looking for something like this few months back and I found out that unless you actually have a server from where you can direct the link to the Play Store, you cant do it normally. For this the best solution I found out was Firebase Dynamic Links, they do the checking on their side and takes your users to the play store if they have not installed the app. Plus it also provides analytics of the number of clicks and the sources and some information about your users.

like image 177
Aayush Mathur Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Aayush Mathur