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Decrypting multiple env. variables in AWS Lambda

I've got a number of encrypted environmental variables I need to decrypt in an AWS Lambda function. They give an example bit of code, but I'd rather not run a huge chunk for each value I need to decrypt:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

const encrypted = process.env['my_password'];
let decrypted;

function processEvent(event, context, callback) {
    // TODO handle the event here

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    if (decrypted) {
        processEvent(event, context, callback);
    } else {
        // Decrypt code should run once and variables stored outside of the function
        // handler so that these are decrypted once per container
        const kms = new AWS.KMS();
        kms.decrypt({ CiphertextBlob: new Buffer(encrypted, 'base64') }, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log('Decrypt error:', err);
                return callback(err);
            decrypted = data.Plaintext.toString('ascii');
            processEvent(event, context, callback);

I'm wondering if the AWS SDK includes a function that lets me decrypt multiple values at once. Failing that, is there a way to elegantly chain these calls together so they don't take up ~75 lines of my otherwise simple function?

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opticon Avatar asked Jun 27 '17 19:06


1 Answers

You can use promises to achieve this. See the example below for decrypting both a username and password via KMS. You can add as many additional decryption promises to the decryptPromises array as you'd like:

    const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

    const encrypted = {
        username: process.env.username,
        password: process.env.password

    let decrypted = {};

    function processEvent(event, context, callback) {
        //do work

    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
        if ( decrypted.username && decrypted.password ) {
            processEvent(event, context, callback);
        } else {
            const kms = new AWS.KMS();

            const decryptPromises = [
                kms.decrypt( { CiphertextBlob: new Buffer(encrypted.username, 'base64') } ).promise(),
                kms.decrypt( { CiphertextBlob: new Buffer(encrypted.password, 'base64') } ).promise()

            Promise.all( decryptPromises ).then( data => {
                decrypted.username = data[0].Plaintext.toString('ascii');
                decrypted.password = data[1].Plaintext.toString('ascii');

                processEvent(event, context, callback);
            }).catch( err => {
                console.log('Decrypt error:', err);
                return callback(err);

You can find more information on how promises have been implimented for the AWS SDK in the Support for Promises in the SDK documentation.

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Chris Silcock Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Chris Silcock