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Declaring variable in WITH expression (SQL Server)?


is there a way to define a variable inside a WITH expression? Something like:

;WITH SomeName AS ( 
    declare @somevar decimal
    set @somevar = ...
    SELECT ....)


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grady Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 08:03


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Can we DECLARE variables in CTE?

The SELECT statement for CTE_query_definition must meet the same requirements as for creating a view, except a CTE cannot define another CTE. A CTE should return rows. I don't think you can use it for assigning variables at all.

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2 Answers

No, you would need to declare / set it outside of the CTE

;WITH SomeName AS (SELECT....)
SELECT @somevar = ...
FROM SomeName


Specifies a SELECT statement whose result set populates the common table expression. The SELECT statement for CTE_query_definition must meet the same requirements as for creating a view, except a CTE cannot define another CTE.

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AdaTheDev Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 07:11


I've had to use the following approach a few times as a work-around (for example using R-Server in t-sql as the input_data_1 expression; see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/advanced-analytics/tutorials/quickstart-r-inputs-and-outputs?view=sql-server-2017). The following illustrates the example:

WITH ctename (varname) as (
    SELECT MAX(somevar) FROM sometable
    FROM someothertable a
    JOIN ctename b on 1=1
    WHERE a.col1 > b.varname;
like image 33
Brian Goodwin Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11

Brian Goodwin