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Declaring protocol like @class



I have two protocols communicating with each other. They are defined in the same file.

@protocol Protocol1 <NSObject>

@protocol Protocol2 <NSObject>
-(void)protocol:(UIViewController<Protocol1>*)anObject chosenElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)aIndex;

How to declare an empty protocol Protocol2 just to let know compiler that it is declared later?

If Protocol2 was a class I'd write @class Protocol2; beforewards.

@class Protocol2;
@protocol Protocol1 <NSObject>

@interface Protocol2 <NSObject>
-(void)protocol:(UIViewController<Protocol1>*)anObject chosenElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)aIndex;

What is the similar construction for protocols?

like image 831
Michał Zygar Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 08:06

Michał Zygar

2 Answers

Use @protocol for protocols forward declaration:

@protocol Protocol2;
@protocol Protocol1 <NSObject>

@protocol Protocol2 <NSObject>
-(void)protocol:(UIViewController<Protocol1>*)anObject chosenElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)aIndex;
like image 73
Vladimir Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


The problem with your is that you have forward declared protocol with @class keyword. It should be @protocol.

like image 45
Apurv Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
