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Declaring Pascal-style strings in C


In C, is there a good way to define length first, Pascal-style strings as constants, so they can be placed in ROM? (I'm working with a small embedded system with a non-GCC ANSI C compiler).

A C-string is 0 terminated, eg. {'f','o','o',0}.

A Pascal-string has the length in the first byte, eg. {3,'f','o','o'}.

I can declare a C-string to be placed in ROM with:

const char *s = "foo"; 

For a Pascal-string, I could manually specify the length:

const char s[] = {3, 'f', 'o', 'o'}; 

But, this is awkward. Is there a better way? Perhaps in the preprocessor?

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Joby Taffey Avatar asked Oct 04 '11 13:10

Joby Taffey

People also ask

How are strings stored in Pascal?

The string in Pascal is actually a sequence of characters with an optional size specification. The characters could be numeric, letters, blank, special characters or a combination of all. Extended Pascal provides numerous types of string objects depending upon the system and implementation.

What is characters in Pascal?

A character is a single keyboard symbol. It is not a sequence of symbols like a string, but an individual “lonely” symbol. Characters can be placed in various categories: the ten decimal digits: 0, 1, 2, 3,..., 9 the 26 lower-case letters: a, b, c,..., z the 26 upper-case letters: A, B, C,..., Z.

1 Answers

I think the following is a good solution, but don't forget to enable packed structs:

#include <stdio.h>  #define DEFINE_PSTRING(var,str) const struct {unsigned char len; char content[sizeof(str)];} (var) = {sizeof(str)-1, (str)}  DEFINE_PSTRING(x, "foo"); /*  Expands to following:     const struct {unsigned char len; char content[sizeof("foo")];} x = {sizeof("foo")-1, "foo"}; */  int main(void) {     printf("%d %s\n", x.len, x.content);     return 0; } 

One catch is, it adds an extra NUL byte after your string, but it can be desirable because then you can use it as a normal c string too. You also need to cast it to whatever type your external library is expecting.

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cyco130 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
