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declare type with React.useImperativeHandle()


function App(){   const cntEl:any = React.useRef(null);  // I don't know what type should be here.   React.useEffect(()=>{     if(cntEl.current){ cuntEl.current.start() }   }, []);   return <Countdown ref={cntEl} /> } const Countdown = React.forwardRef((props,ref) => {   React.useImperativeHandle(ref, ()=>({     start() {       alert('Start');     }   });   return <div>Countdown</div> });  

I try to use a child method in a parent component using ref and React.useImperativeHandle().

It works well.

but I am not satisfied because of const cntEl:any.

I believe there are many ways to avoid using any type I don't know.

I just need a type that could be replaced type any.


I can see (property) React.MutableRefObject<null>.current: null when I hover at cntEl.current

like image 669
kyun Avatar asked Jun 05 '20 07:06


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2 Answers

I recommend you use type definitions more explicitly

For example, with React DT, you can define ref exotic component with ForwardRefRenderFunction instead of FC.

type CountdownProps = {}      type CountdownHandle = {   start: () => void, }      const Countdown: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<CountdownHandle, CountdownProps> = (   props,   forwardedRef, ) => {   React.useImperativeHandle(forwardedRef, ()=>({     start() {       alert('Start');     }   });    return <div>Countdown</div>; }  export default React.forwardRef(Countdown); 

and then use React utility ElementRef, TypeScript can infer exact ref type of your component

const App: React.FC = () => {   // this will be inferred as `CountdownHandle`   type CountdownHandle = React.ElementRef<typeof Countdown>;    const ref = React.useRef<CountdownHandle>(null); // assign null makes it compatible with elements.    return (     <Countdown ref={ref} />   ); }; 
like image 158
Hyeseong Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10


The accepted answer is overcomplicated, you just need to declare a CountdownHandle type.

For me it'll go like this:

// Countdown.tsx  export type CountdownHandle = {   start: () => void; };  type Props = {};  const Countdown = React.forwardRef<CountdownHandle, Props>((props, ref) => {   React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({     // start() has type inferrence here     start() {       alert('Start');     },   }));    return <div>Countdown</div>; }); 
// The component uses the Countdown component  import Countdown, { CountdownHandle } from "./Countdown.tsx";  function App() {   const countdownEl = React.useRef<CountdownHandle>(null);    React.useEffect(() => {     if (countdownEl.current) {       // start() has type inferrence here as well       countdownEl.current.start();     }   }, []);    return <Countdown ref={countdownEl} />; } 
like image 24
Loi Nguyen Huynh Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 13:10

Loi Nguyen Huynh