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declare constants in golang using os.Getenv results in 'const initializer in os.Getenv("MY_SECRET") is not a constant'

If I declare constants as the following I get the error 'const initializer in os.Getenv("MY_SECRET") is not a constant'. Why is this?

New to Go and I see the return type of Getenv is a string, but I don't understand why this wouldn't work as a constant.

const (     secret     = os.Getenv("MY_SECRET")     key        = os.Getenv("MY_KEY") ) 
like image 594
Michael Avatar asked Sep 21 '17 20:09


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Go os. The Getenv retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. It returns the value, which will be empty if the variable is not present. To distinguish between an empty value and an unset value, use LookupEnv . get_env.go.

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1 Answers

Just like the error says, a constant must have a constant value. You cannot set it to the return of a function. It must be evaluated at compile time (e.g. a string literal). If you want to store the values of environment variables looked up at run time, you'll have to store them in variables, not constants.

like image 52
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
