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Declare array of objects containing objects

I have an array of objects that contain other objects. At the moment the way I declare them is pretty long winded. Is there are more condense way to do the following:

function city(name,population)
 this.name = name;
 this.population = population;

function state(name)
 this.name= name;
 this.cities = new Array();

function country(name)
 this.name= name;
 this.states = new Array();

Countries = new Array();
Countries[0] = new Country("USA");
Countries[0].states[0] = new State("NH");
Countries[0].states[0].cities[0] = new city("Concord",12345);
Countries[0].states[0].cities[1] = new city("Foo", 456);
Countries[3].states[6].cities[35] = new city("blah", 345);

Is there a way to declare this setup that isn't so verbose, something similair to how an xml would be layed out, something like:

data =
     concord: 34253
     foo: 3423
     blah: 99523
     place: 23522
     bar: 35929
     yah: 3452

I can't figure out how to nest array declarations without having to constantly repeat the variable names.

like image 998
myforwik Avatar asked Aug 27 '10 06:08


2 Answers

Use object and array literals:

var data = {
    usa : {
        NH : {
           concord: 34253,
           foo: 3423,
           blah: 99523
        NC : {
           place: 23522
    uk : {
      foo : {
         bar: 35929,
         yah: 3452

Or something that reflects your original code more directly:

var Countries = [ 
        name : 'USA',
        states : [
                name : 'NH',
                cities : [
                        name : 'Concord',
                        population : 12345
                        name : "Foo",
                        population : 456
                    /* etc .. */
        name : 'UK',
        states : [ /* etc... */ ]

Note: In javascript, var foo = [] is exactly equivalent to (and the preferred way to write) var foo = new Array(). Also, var foo = {} is the same as var foo = new Object().

Note: Don't forget to add commas between separate sub-objects.

like image 145
slebetman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


Would this be good enough for you?

var data = [
  { name: "USA",
    states: [
      { name: "NH",
        cities: [
          { name: "concord", population: 34253 },
          { name: "foo", population: 3423 },
          { name: "blah", population: 99523 }
      { name: "NC",
        cities: [
          { name: "place", population: 23522 }
    name: "UK",
    states: [
      { name: "foo",
        cities: [
                  { name: "bar", population: 35929 },
                  { name: "yah", population: 3452 }
like image 26
syockit Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
