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Debugging thread macro -> or ->> in Clojure

I want to understand how works the following code that is designed for the problem: "Given a sequence of integers, find a continuous subsequence which maximizes the sum of its elements"

defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) ; tails (1)
   (mapcat #(reductions conj [] %)) ; inits   (2)
   (apply max-key #(reduce + %)))) ; max sum

so I'd like to see the output of forms (1), (2) and others. I can set breakpoints in Cursive but yet I don't know how to get these values. I have tried to define a locale variables, for example

(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
 (->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) ; tails
      (let [d #(reductions conj [] %)]
       d  ) ; inits
      (apply  max-key #(reduce + %)))

(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])

But i still don't understand how to see d, for example

How to solve this problem?

like image 886
eug100 Avatar asked Sep 30 '18 17:09


1 Answers

A simple function that prints and returns its input can be inserted into the chain:

(defn debug [x]
  (println x)

(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
  (->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll))
       (mapcat #(reductions conj [] %))
       (apply max-key #(reduce + %))))

(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])
([-1 -2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1] (-2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-1 4 -4 2 -1) (4 -4 2 -1) (-4 2 -1) (2 -1) (-1))
=> [3 5 6 -2 -1 4]

Or, if you want better tracking and don't mind a bit of bulk, you can use a macro that includes the expression in the printout:

(defmacro debugM [expr]
  `(let [x# ~expr] ; Save the result of the expression so it isn't evaluated twice
     (println '~expr "\n\t" x#)

(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
  (->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll))
       (mapcat #(reductions conj [] %))
       (apply max-key #(reduce + %))))

(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])
(take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) 
     ([-1 -2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1] (-2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-1 4 -4 2 -1) (4 -4 2 -1) (-4 2 -1) (2 -1) (-1))
=> [3 5 6 -2 -1 4]
like image 160
Carcigenicate Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
