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Debugging Perl programs in KDevelop

I can create new Perl projects in KDevelop, and KDevelop provides automatic syntax highlighting of my .pl files. However, I don't see a way to debug my Perl programs (e.g. add breakpoints, debug step-by-step, etc.).

Is this possible with KDevelop?

like image 827
Amelio Vazquez-Reina Avatar asked Sep 05 '12 17:09

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

People also ask

How do I debug Kdevelop?

Once you have a launch configured (see Running programs), you can also run it in a debugger: Select the menu item Run → Debug Launch, or hit Alt+F9. If you are familiar with gdb, the effect is the same as starting gdb with the executable specified in the launch configuration and then saying Run .

1 Answers

According to this table in perlmonks, Perl debugging is not supported by KDevelop. You can use Eclipse with EPIC to debug Perl scripts.

like image 100
perreal Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
