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Debugging JNLP started application

I created a Java desktop-application (using Swing) and am now trying to make it work by starting it from the net using JNLP. The application works fine when I start it from the terminal, but as soon as I launch it from JNLP, it does not close. I have to manually kill the process every time.

I read that there might be a problem if my JFrame uses DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE as the default close-operation, but it doesn't. It uses DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE (implicitly). Also, I'm explicitly calling System.exit(0) after releasing all my objects:

f = new JFrame("Pacman");
f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
        // Terminate the Game-loop:
        // Close the application:

I guess that there might be an exception thrown when I close the application, but I can't find a way to get the console-output (e.g. the Stack-Trace) of a running application started with JNLP. Here's what I tried:

  • Start javaws with the debugging parameters and connect with jconsole (works but I can't find any exception- or console-ouput).
  • Start javaws with the debugging parameters and attach IntelliJ debugger to it (also works but does not give me any output)

So, how can I start the application with JNLP and get the output (written to the default out- and error-streams), as if I would do with a normal desktop application?

like image 755
Lukas Knuth Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 14:06

Lukas Knuth

People also ask

Why is JNLP not launching?

Misconfigured file type association or missing Java Runtime Environment can lead to JNLP file not opening problems. Windows 64-bit users may require to install the 64-bit JRE version on top of their existing JRE installation. You can also set the default app for JNLP file type from the Default Apps settings.

How do I associate a JNLP file with Java Web Start?

Right-click a JNLP file and click “Open With.” Select the “Java Web Start Launcher” application in the list or click “Browse,” browse to the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre[version]\bin” folder on your computer and double-click the “Javaws.exe” program file.

What application runs JNLP files?

Java Network Launch Protocol or JNLP is no exception. But sometimes you might find it hard to open a JNLP file. These files are used on a remote desktop client for launching applications from a hosted web server. Java Web Start application, Java Plug-in, and similar programs are run on JNLP files.

2 Answers

Solution #1 - Enable Java Console, and look for exceptions.

You can do it via Java Control Panel. Switch to Advanced tab, and in the Java Console make sure Show console is selected.

Then, run your application and monitor the console for exceptions. Fix the exception.

Solution #2 - Debug your running application (properly).

Start the Web Start app like this (for Java 1.6 and newer):

javaws -verbose -J-Xdebug -J-Xnoagent -J-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=8123 http://myserver.com/path/to/myapp.jnlp

If using earlier java versions (1.4.2, 1.5) set the environment variable, like this:

set JAVAWS_VM_ARGS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=8123"

and run the app via:

javaws http://myserver.com/path/to/myapp.jnlp

When the app runs:

  1. Attach a debugger (Eclipse will do - use Run => Debug Configurations => Remote Java Application, and in Connection Properties panel enter the port passed in the parameters to javaws (in this case: 8123).
  2. Set a breakpoint inside your windowClosing method.
  3. Try to close your application - Eclipse should break the execution on your breakpoint
  4. Step into the GameLoop.INSTANCE.stopLoop() method to see where/when it hangs.

Don't expect to see a solutions in the console, just step through the code with a debugger - if the application hangs, it will show you where.

like image 112
npe Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10


There are times when even the console doesn't show anything, for example when there is a problem with the TLS/SSL handshake (i.e. a close_notify or handshake_failure). In these cases you need to do the following:

  1. Enable the Java logs and tracing in the Java Control Panel > Advanced. Java Control Panel: logs and tracing

  2. Enable parameters for debugging Java & launching the JNLP, there are two ways you can do it:

    2.a. Download the JNLP file and execute it from command line (the SET command is not required in this particular case).

    set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Djavax.net.debug=all
    javaws -wait jnlp.jnlp

    2.b. Add arguments (i.e. -Djavax.net.debug=all) for the JVM in the Java Control Panel > Java > View (this is not required in this particular), and launch the JNLP file from browser:

    Java Control Panel: jvm arguments

  3. The logs and traces are located in the log directory from the Java Deployment Home from where I paste these locations:

    a. Windows XP: %HOME%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment

    b. Windows 7/Vista: %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment

    c. Linux/Solaris: %HOME%/.java/deployment

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lmiguelmh Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
