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Debugger popup message "Getting DataTip text"


This Debugger message pops up randomly while i am attempting to examine a variable while a breakpoint has hit in Visual Studio 2017.

Shortly thereafter, a larger message box appears that shows the following: "Evaluating the function 'System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadForm' timed out."

After enabling option Tools / Options / Debugging / General / Only managed code, the second message box have disappeared. But first message is still showing.

The problem is that first popup window appears for a relatively long time, that makes debugging process very noncomfortable. What else Visual Studio debugger options could I set to disable this popup?

like image 891
Aave Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 07:07


2 Answers

(1)Tools->Options, uncheck the setting Debugging / General / Enable property evaluation and other implicit function call, and enable the Use Managed Compatibility Mode.

(2)Deleted all the .suo/obj/Bin/.user files in your project, and then re-open your project, clean and build your solution, debug it again.

like image 190
Jack Zhai-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10

Jack Zhai-MSFT

This solution works fine for me:

Uncheck the new langage JavasScript Language Service in Options -> Editor -> JavaScript -> Language Service.

Option capture

like image 32
Math-Asteos Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
