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Debug JavaScript in ASP.NET

I needed to debug my javascript functions written in asp.net.

I am currently using chrome but its not going to the break point. If i put alert('Some message'). I can see message displayed.

If someone has any idea how to use debugger for JavaScript in ASP.NET please let me know.

like image 682
NewToNet Avatar asked May 13 '12 17:05


1 Answers

To Debug in chrome you need to do two things

  1. Write debugger the place where you want to start debugging.
  2. Before the execution of script open developer tool (by pressing ctrl + shift + i)

Now when control of execution to statement where you wrote debugger the execution is paused for you to debug.

Here is an example for you to learn, Follow the instruction given in comments. How to debug in chrome

like image 134
Adil Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
