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debootstrap inside a docker container


Here's my problem: I want to build a chroot environment inside a docker container. The problem is that debootstrap cannot run, because it cannot mount proc in the chroot:

W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/chroot mount -t proc proc /proc

(in the log the problem turns out to be: mount: permission denied)

If I run --privileged the container, it (of course) works... I'd really really really like to debootstrap the chroot in the Dockerfile (much much cleaner). Is there a way I can get it to work?

Thanks a lot!

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fbrusch Avatar asked Oct 16 '14 13:10


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1 Answers

You could use the fakechroot variant of debootstrap, like this:

fakechroot fakeroot debootstrap --variant=fakechroot ... 


like image 109
Luis Alejandro Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Luis Alejandro