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Dealing with optional dependencies (C#)

We have an app which optionally integrates with TFS, however as the integration is optional I obviously don't want to have all machine need the TFS assemblies as a requirement.

What should I do?

  1. Is it ok for me to reference the TFS libraries in my main assemblies and just make sure that I only reference TFS related objects when I'm using TFS integration.
  2. Alternatively the safer option would be to reference the TFS libraries in some separate "TFSWrapper" assembly:

    a. Is it then ok for me to reference that assembly directly (again as long as I'm careful about what I call)

    b. Should I instead be exposing a set of interfaces for my TFSWrapper assembly to implement, and then instantiate those objects using reflection when required.

1 seems risky to me, on the flip side 2b seems over-the-top - I would essentially be building a plug-in system.

Surely there must be a simpler way.

like image 740
Justin Avatar asked Sep 14 '09 14:09


1 Answers

The safest way (i.e. the easiest way to not make a mistake in your application) might be as follows.

Make an interface which abstracts your use of TFS, for example:

interface ITfs
  bool checkout(string filename);

Write a class which implements this interface using TFS:

class Tfs : ITfs
  public bool checkout(string filename)
    ... code here which uses the TFS assembly ...

Write another class which implements this interface without using TFS:

class NoTfs : ITfs
  public bool checkout(string filename)
    //TFS not installed so checking out is impossible
    return false;

Have a singleton somewhere:

static class TfsFactory
  public static ITfs instance;

  static TfsFactory()
    ... code here to set the instance
    either to an instance of the Tfs class
    or to an instance of the NoTfs class ...

Now there's only one place which needs to be careful (i.e. the TfsFactory constructor); the rest of your code can invoke the ITfs methods of your TfsFactory.instance without knowing whether TFS is installed.

To answer recent comments below:

According to my tests (I don't know whether this is 'defined behaviour') an exception is thrown when (as soon as) you call a method which depends on the missing assembly. Therefore it's important to encapsulate your code-which-depends-on-the-missing-assembly in at least a separate method (or a separate class) in your assembly.

For example, the following won't load if the Talk assembly is missing:

using System;
using OptionalLibrary;

namespace TestReferences
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "1") {
                Talk talk = new Talk();
                Console.WriteLine(talk.sayHello() + " " + talk.sayWorld() + "!");
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("2 Hello World!");

The following will load:

using System;
using OptionalLibrary;

namespace TestReferences
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "1") {
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("2 Hello World!");

        static void foo()
            Talk talk = new Talk();
            Console.WriteLine(talk.sayHello() + " " + talk.sayWorld() + "!");

These are the test results (using MSVC# 2010 and .NET on Windows):

2 Hello World!

C:\github\TestReferences\TestReferences\TestReferences\bin\Debug>TestReferences.exe 1

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'OptionalLibrary, Version=,
 Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
   at TestReferences.MainClass.foo()
   at TestReferences.MainClass.Main(String[] args) in C:\github\TestReferences\TestReferences\TestReferences\Program.cs:
line 11

like image 192
ChrisW Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
