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Deadlock in WinForms that is prevented by right click on the taskbar

I encountered a strange problem with our Windows C# / .NET application. Actually it is a GUI application, my job is the included network component, encapsulated in an assembly. I do not know the code of the main/GUI application, I could contact it's developer though.

Now the application's UI has buttons to "Start" and "Stop" the network engine. Both buttons work. To make my component threadsafe I am using a lock around three methods. I dont't want a client to be able to call Stop() before Start() finished. Additinally there is a Polling Timer.

I tried to show you as few lines as possible and simpified the problem:

private Timer actionTimer = new Timer(new
                null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

public void Start()
 lock (driverLock)
  active = true;
  // Trigger the first timer event in 500ms
  actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);

private void actionTimer_TimerCallback(object state)
 lock (driverLock)
  if (!active) return;
  log.Debug("Before event");
  StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs()); // it hangs here
  log.Debug("After event");
  // Now restart timer
  actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);

public void Stop()
 lock (driverLock)
  active = false;

Here is how to reproduce my problem. As I said, the Start and Stop buttons both work, but if you press Start(), and during the execution of the TimerCallback press Stop(), this prevents the TimerCallback to return. It hangs exactly at the same position, the StatusEvent. So the lock is never released and the GUI also hangs, because it's call of the Stop() method cannot proceed.

Now I observed the following: If the application hangs because of this "deadlock" and I click on the application in the task bar with the right mouse button, it continues. It just works as expected then. Anybody has an explanation or better a solution for this?

By the way, I also tried it with InvokeIfRequired as I don't know the internas of the GUI application. This is neccesary if my StatusEvent would change something in the GUI. Since I have no reference to the GUI controls, I used (assuming only one target):

Delegate firstTarget = StatusEvent.GetInocationList()[0];
ISynchronizeInvoke syncInvoke = firstTarget.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
if (syncInvoke.InvokeRequired)
  syncInvoke.Invoke(firstTarget, new object[] { this, new StatusEventArgs() });
  firstTarget.Method.Invoke(firstTarget.Target, new object[] { this, new StatusEventArgs() });

This approach didn't change the problem. I think this is because I am Invoking on the main application's event handlers, not on the GUI controls. So the main app is responsible for Invoking? But anyway, AFAIK not using Invoke although needed would not result in a deadlock like this but (hopefully) in an exception.

like image 932
Tarnschaf Avatar asked Dec 16 '09 23:12


3 Answers

As for why right-click "unlocks" your application, my "educated guess" of events that lead to this behaviour is as follows:

  1. (when your component was created) GUI registered a subscriber to the status notification event
  2. Your component acquires lock (in a worker thread, not GUI thread), then fires status notification event
  3. The GUI callback for status notification event is called and it starts updating GUI; the updates are causing events to be sent to the event loop
  4. While the update is going on, "Start" button gets clicked
  5. Win32 sends a click message to the GUI thread and tries to handle it synchronously
  6. Handler for the "Start" button gets called, it then calls "Start" method on your component (on GUI thread)
  7. Note that the status update has not finished yet; start button handler "cut in front of" the remaining GUI updates in status update (this actually happens quite a bit in Win32)
  8. "Start" method tries to acquire your component's lock (on GUI thread), blocks
  9. GUI thread is now hung (waits for start handler to finish; start handler waits for lock; the lock is held by worker thread that marshalled a GUI update call to GUI thread and waits for the update call to finish; the GUI update call marshalled from worker thread is waiting for start handler that cut in front of it to finish; ...)
  10. If you now right-click on taskbar, my guess is that taskbar manager (somehow) starts a "sub-event-loop" (much like modal dialogs start their own "sub-event-loops", see Raymond Chen's blog for details) and processes queued events for the application
  11. The extra event loop triggered by the right-click can now process the GUI updates that were marshalled from the worker thread; this unblocks the worker thread; this in turn releases the lock; this in turn unblocks application's GUI thread so it can finish handling start button click (because it can now acquire the lock)

You could test this theory by causing your application to "bite", then breaking into debugger and looking at the stack trace of the worker thread for your component. It should be blocked in some transition to GUI thread. The GUI thread itself should be blocked in the lock statement, but down the stack you should be able to see some "cut in front of the line" calls...

I think the first recommendation to be able to track this issue down would be to turn on the flag Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;.

Next, I would recommend firing the notification event outside of the lock. What I usually do is gather information needed by an event inside a lock, then release the lock and use the information I gathered to fire the event. Something along the lines:

string status;
lock (driverLock) {
    if (!active) { return; }
    status = ...
    actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);
StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs(status));

But most importantly, I would review who are the intended clients of your component. From the method names and your description I suspect GUI is the only one (it tells you when to start and stop; you tell it when your status changes). In that case you should not be using a lock. Start & stop methods could simply be setting and resetting a manual-reset event to indicate whether your component is active (a semaphore, really).


In trying to reproduce your scenario I wrote the following simple program. You should be able to copy the code, compile and run it without problems (I built it as a console application that starts a form :-) )

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using Timer=System.Threading.Timer;

namespace LockTest
    public static class Program
        // Used by component's notification event
        private sealed class MyEventArgs : EventArgs
            public string NotificationText { get; set; }

        // Simple component implementation; fires notification event 500 msecs after previous notification event finished
        private sealed class MyComponent
            public MyComponent()
                this._timer = new Timer(this.Notify, null, -1, -1); // not started yet

            public void Start()
                lock (this._lock)
                    if (!this._active)
                        this._active = true;
                        this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));

            public void Stop()
                lock (this._lock)
                    this._active = false;

            public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> Notification;

            private void Notify(object ignore) // this will be invoked invoked in the context of a threadpool worker thread
                lock (this._lock)
                    if (!this._active) { return; }
                    var notification = this.Notification; // make a local copy
                    if (notification != null)
                        notification(this, new MyEventArgs { NotificationText = "Now is " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") });
                    this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d)); // rinse and repeat

            private bool _active;
            private readonly object _lock = new object();
            private readonly Timer _timer;

        // Simple form to excercise our component
        private sealed class MyForm : Form
            public MyForm()
                this.Text = "UI Lock Demo";
                this.AutoSize = true;
                this.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;

                var container = new FlowLayoutPanel { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown, Dock = DockStyle.Fill, AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink };
                this._status = new Label { Width = 300, Text = "Ready, press Start" };
                this._component.Notification += this.UpdateStatus;
                var button = new Button { Text = "Start" };
                button.Click += (sender, args) => this._component.Start();
                button = new Button { Text = "Stop" };
                button.Click += (sender, args) => this._component.Stop();

            private void UpdateStatus(object sender, MyEventArgs args)
                if (this.InvokeRequired)
                    this.Invoke(new EventHandler<MyEventArgs>(this.UpdateStatus), sender, args);
                    this._status.Text = args.NotificationText;

            private readonly Label _status;
            private readonly MyComponent _component = new MyComponent();

        // Program entry point, runs event loop for the form that excercises out component
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;
            using (var form = new MyForm())

As you can see, the code has 3 parts - first, the component that is using timer to call notification method every 500 milliseconds; second, a simple form with label and start/stop buttons; and finally main function to run the even loop.

You can deadlock the application by clicking start button and then within 2 seconds clicking stop button. However, the application is not "unfrozen" when I right-click on taskbar, sigh.

When I break into the deadlocked application, this is what I see when switched to the worker (timer) thread:

Worker thread

And this is what I see when switched to the main thread:

Main thread

I would appreciate if you could try compiling and running this example; if it works the same for you as me, you could try updating the code to be more similar to what you have in your application and perhaps we can reproduce your exact issue. Once we reproduce it in a test application like this, it shouldn't be a problem to refactor it to make the problem go away (we would isolate essence of the problem).

[update 2]

I guess we agree that we can't easily reproduce your behaviour with the example I provided. I'm still pretty sure the deadlock in your scenario is broken by an extra even loop being introduced on right-click and this event loop processing messages pending from the notification callback. However, how this is achieved is beyond me.

That said I would like to make the following recommendation. Could you try these changes in your application and let me know if they solved the deadlock problem? Essentially, you would move ALL component code to worker threads (i.e. nothing that has to do with your component will be running on GUI thread any more except code to delegate to worker threads :-) )...

        public void Start()
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate // added
                lock (this._lock)
                    if (!this._active)
                        this._active = true;
                        this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));

        public void Stop()
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate // added
                lock (this._lock)
                    this._active = false;

I moved body of Start and Stop methods into a thread-pool worker thread (much like your timers call your callback regularly in context of a thread-pool worker). This means GUI thread will never own the lock, the lock will only be acquired in context of (probably different for each call) thread-pool worker threads.

Note that with the change above, my sample program doesn't deadlock any more (even with "Invoke" instead of "BeginInvoke").

[update 3]

As per your comment, queueing Start method is not acceptable because it needs to indicate whether the component was able to start. In this case I would recommend treating the "active" flag differently. You would switch to "int" (0 stopped, 1 running)and use "Interlocked" static methods to manipulate it (I assume that your component has more state it exposes - you would guard access to anything other than "active" flag with your lock):

        public bool Start()
            if (0 == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._active, 0, 0)) // will evaluate to true if we're not started; this is a variation on the double-checked locking pattern, without the problems associated with lack of memory barriers (see http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/DoubleCheckedLocking.html)
                lock (this._lock) // serialize all Start calls that are invoked on an un-started component from different threads
                    if (this._active == 0) // make sure only the first Start call gets through to actual start, 2nd part of double-checked locking pattern
                        // run component startup

                        this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref this._active, 1); // now mark the component as successfully started
            return true;

        public void Stop()
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref this._active, 0);

        private void Notify(object ignore) // this will be invoked invoked in the context of a threadpool worker thread
            if (0 != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._active, 0, 0)) // only handle the timer event in started components (notice the pattern is the same as in Start method except for the return value comparison)
                lock (this._lock) // protect internal state
                    if (this._active != 0)
                        var notification = this.Notification; // make a local copy
                        if (notification != null)
                            notification(this, new MyEventArgs { NotificationText = "Now is " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") });
                        this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d)); // rinse and repeat

        private int _active;
like image 198
Milan Gardian Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 21:11

Milan Gardian

A couple things come to mind when reviewing your code. The first thing is that you are not checking for a null delegate before firing the status event. If no listeners are bound to the event, then this will cause an exception, which if not caught or handled, might cause strange issues in threaded code.

So the first thing I'd so is this:

if(StatusEvent != null)
  StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs());

The other thing that comes to mind is that perhaps your lock is failing you in some manner. What type of object are you using for the lock? The simplest thing to use is just a plain ole "object", but you must ensure you are not using a value type (e.g. int, float, etc.) that would be boxed for locking, thus never really establishing a lock since each lock statement would box and create a new object instance. You should also keep in mind that a lock only keeps "other" threads out. If called on the same thread, then it will sail through the lock statement.

like image 2
Michael A. McCloskey Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Michael A. McCloskey

If you don't have the source for the GUI (which you probably should) you can use Reflector to disassemble it. There is even a plugin to generate source files so you could run the app in your VS IDE and set breakpoints.

like image 1
Cory Charlton Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11

Cory Charlton