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DateTimeFormatter Accepting Multiple Dates and Converting to One (java.time library)


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How do I use DateTimeFormatter with date?

DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormatter. ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); System. out. println(ldt.

What is the role of the DateTimeFormatter type in Java?

The DateTimeFormatter class is used to both parse and format dates according to specified Date and Time Patterns. Use parse(...) method to convert from String to Date/Time classes, use format(...) method to convert from Date/Time into String.

Is Java time format DateTimeFormatter thread-safe?

Yes, it is: DateTimeFormat is thread-safe and immutable, and the formatters it returns are as well.

What is the difference between DateTimeFormatter and SimpleDateFormat?

DateTimeFormatter is a replacement for the old SimpleDateFormat that is thread-safe and provides additional functionality.

I am trying to write a DateTimeFormatter that will allow me to take in multiple different String formats, and then convert the String formats to a specific type. Due to the scope of the project and the code that already exists, I cannot use a different type of formatter.

E.g., I want to accept MM/dd/yyyy as well as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss but then when I print I only want to print to MM/dd/yyyy format and have it in the format when I call LocalDate.format(formatter);

Could someone suggest ideas on how to do this with the java.time.format.*;

Here is how I could do it in org.joda:

// MM/dd/yyyy format
DateTimeFormatter monthDayYear = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MM/dd/yyyy");
// array of parsers, with all possible input patterns
DateTimeParser[] parsers = {
        // parser for MM/dd/yyyy format
        // parser for yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format
DateTimeFormatter parser = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
    // use the monthDayYear formatter for output (monthDayYear.getPrinter())
    // and parsers array for input (parsers)
    .append(monthDayYear.getPrinter(), parsers)
    // create formatter (using UTC to avoid DST problems)

I have not found a good/working example of this online.