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Datatype decimal(6, 2)



If I have a datatype of decimal(6, 2) what would a sample data be?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC if that makes a difference. Thanks.

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Cameron Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 21:03


People also ask

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The decimal data type is a machine-independent method that represents numbers of up to 32 significant digits, with valid values in the range 10 -129 - 10 +125. When you define a column with the DECIMAL( p ) data type, it has a total of p (< = 32) significant digits.

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Standard SQL requires that DECIMAL(5,2) be able to store any value with five digits and two decimals, so values that can be stored in the salary column range from -999.99 to 999.99 . In standard SQL, the syntax DECIMAL( M ) is equivalent to DECIMAL( M ,0) .

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For example, DECIMAL(8,2) can hold the value 123456.78 (8 (p) = 6 digits on the left + 2 (s) digits of the right of the decimal point).

1 Answers

Assuming you mean that the database type is decimal(6, 2), then this means that your column is set up to store 6 places (scale), with 2 to the right of the decimal (precision). You should treat this as a decimal CLR type.

A sample would be 1234.56.

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Jarrett Meyer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Jarrett Meyer