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Datatables: Using Row grouping, how do I get a count of each grouped row?

I'm using Datatables to create a grouped by data grid. I was able to group my table using my first column.

I want to accomplish getting the count on each grouped row and writing out the count on my grouped row, how would I go about doing that?

If you see the link below, they have the shaded grouped row. I would like the count to appear right after the text of the grouped text.


Thank you.

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Vyache Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 15:09


Video Answer

2 Answers

This can be accomplished by adding a for loop inside drawCallBack function. Referring to http://www.datatables.net/examples/advanced_init/row_grouping.html for drawCallBack function. Please note I am using legacy dataTable function i.e fnDrawCallBack replace that with latest equivalent.

            fnDrawCallback: function(settings) {
            var api = this.api();
            var rows = api.rows({ page: "current" }).nodes();
            var last = null;
            var storedIndexArray = [];
            api.column(0, { page: "current" })
                .each((group, i) => {
                    if (last !== group) {
                                '<tr class="group"><td colspan="4">' +
                                    group +
                                    "<span class='group-count'></span></td></tr>"
                        last = group;
                api.column(0, { page: "current" }).data().length
            for (let i = 0; i < storedIndexArray.length - 1; i++) {
                let element = $(".group-count")[i];
                    storedIndexArray[i + 1] - storedIndexArray[i]
like image 165
Praveenkumar M G Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Praveenkumar M G

function CountRows(){
    var abc = $('.abc');
    var arr = [];

    $( abc ).each(function( index, value ) {
        var dynamicId = (this.id.split('_')[1]); 
        var groupRowCount = $('.group_'+dynamicId).length;
        this.textContent = this.textContent + " (" + groupRowCount + ")"

like image 37
user10767645 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
