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Datatables hide columns if user doesn't have the rigth role in Spring security

I have to hide some columns of my datatable if the user isn't ADMIN. In HTML I have this code

<table id="fleetsTable"
    class="table table-bordered table-striped">
            <th>Euro class</th>
            <th>Engine Type</th>
            <th sec:authorize="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')">Delete</th>

The table is filled with ajax value through javascript. I have this code:

if ( ! $.fn.DataTable.isDataTable( '#fleetsTable' ) ) {
    fleetTable = $('#fleetsTable').DataTable({
        responsive: true,
        //disable order and search on column
        columnDefs: [
                 targets: [7, 8],
                 orderable: false,
                 searchable: false,
         //fix problem with responsive table
         "autoWidth": false,
         "ajax": "fleet/table",
         "columns": [
             { "data": "application" },
             { "data": "cubic" },
             { "data": "power" },
             { "data": "euroClass" },
             { "data": "engineType" },
             { "data": "traction" },
             { "data": "transmission" },

                 data:null, render: function ( data, type, row ) {
                 return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="showCarsButton">Show cars</button>'; 

             {data:null, render: function ( data, type, row ) {
                 return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="deleteFleet" data-toggle="modal"'
else {

To check if user has the right role I use a hidden input in my HTML and


in javascript. But how can I avoid to build the delete button? The html code only hide the name of the column. Thanks

UPDATE: for now I hide the column

if (!(document.getElementById("role").value=="[ROLE_ADMIN]")){
        // Get the column API object
        var column = fleetTable.column(8);
        // Toggle the visibility
        column.visible( false);

but I prefer to don't create the column

like image 975
luca Avatar asked Feb 17 '16 13:02


1 Answers

Very simple. You can use columnDef's visible property :

columnDefs : [
  { targets: 8, visible: document.getElementById('role').value == '[ROLE_ADMIN]' }

...Assuming it is column #8 we want to skip - by that the column is never created if #role is any different from [ROLE_ADMIN].

like image 103
davidkonrad Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10
