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Datamining open source software alternatives [closed]


People also ask

Which one is the open source application for data mining?

DataMelt or DMelt is open-source software for numeric computation, mathematics, statistics, symbolic calculations, data analysis and data visualisation. The platform is a combination of various scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, Groovy, among others with several Java packages.

What is a popular and free data mining tool?

R. R, sometimes called 'the superstar of free data mining', is a free, open source software easy to use for people with little to no previous experience with programming. It can run on a wide variety of platforms including Mac and Windows.

I am evaluating datamining packages.
I have find these two so far:

  • RapidMiner
  • Weka
  • Do you have any experience to share with these two products, or any other product to recommend me?