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Database integration tests in Visual Studio Online

I'm enjoying the new Build tool in Visual Studio Online. Allows me to do almost everything that I do my local build server. But one thing that I'm missing is integration database tests: for every build run I re-create test database from scripts and run DB-tests against it.

In Visual Studio Online I can't seem to find any database instance available for my needs.

I have tried creating Azure SQL database (via PowerShell) for every build run and then delete it after the build is complete. But it takes forever (comparing to the rest of the build process) to create a database. And even when PowerShell scripts are done, database is not yet ready to accept requests - I need to constantly check if it is actually ready. So this scenario becomes too complex and not reliable.

Are there other options to do database (SQL Server) integration tests in Visual Studio Online?

Update: I think I'm not very clear of what I need - I need a free (very cheap) SQL Server instance to connect to that runs on build agent in VSO. Something like SQL Express or SQL CE or LocalDB, where I can connect to and re-create database to run C# tests against. Re-creating database or running tests is not a problem, having a valid connection string is a problem.

Update Oct 2016: I've blogged about how I do integration testing in VSTS

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trailmax Avatar asked Jan 05 '16 00:01


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1 Answers

The TFS build servers come with MSSQL Server 2012 and MSSQL Server 2014 LocalDBs preinstalled.

Source: TFS Service - Software on the hosted build server

So, just put the following one-liner into your solution's post-build event to create a MYTESTDB LocalDB instance for your needs. This will allow you to connect to (LocalDB)\MYTESTDB an run the database integration tests just fine.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe" create "MYTESTDB" 12.0 -s

Source: SqlLocalDB Utility

like image 73
Roman Pletnev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Roman Pletnev