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Data transfer from SQL Server to ElasticSearch Node

I was using Elastic Search 1.7 version for my application and by using the concept of river i was filling up the data from SQL Server to ElasticSearch using the following article : https://www.pluralsight.com/blog/it-ops/elasticsearch-and-sql-server

URL: POST http://localhost:9200/_river/my_jdbc_river/_meta




"schedule" : "0 0-59 0-23 ? * *",

"jdbc": {




"sql":"select ID as _id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth from People",





But in the documentation of elastic search 2.0 it says the rivers are deprecated .Is there any better way to copy the data from SQL Server to elastic with elastic search 2.0

Any code sample of alternative would be really helpful


like image 521
amrit Avatar asked Mar 20 '16 07:03


1 Answers

You should take a look at this: https://github.com/jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc/wiki/jdbc-plugin-feeder-mode-as-an-alternative-to-the-deprecated-elasticsearch-river-api

EDIT : This is what I did, step by step, to synchronize data from SQL Server to ElasticSearch, without the deprecated river. I did it from scratch. You may have already done some of these steps if you already set up a river.

  • Download JDBC importer for your version of elasticsearch: https://github.com/jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc#compatiblity-matrix
  • Unzip it in elasticsearch folder. Note that you can unzip it anywhere, but don't put it in {elasticsearch}/plugin or, as it is not a plugin, it would cause elasticsearch to crash when starting.
  • Download JDBC drivers from Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=11774 (I downloaded the ".exe" version)
  • Execute it. It creates an unzipped folder. Open it and copy sqljdbc4.jar, sqljdbc41.jar and sqljdbc42.jar to {elasticsearch-jdbc}/lib (be careful not to copy sqljdbc.jar)
  • Enable TCP/IP connection to SQL Server (see for example http://r2d2.cc/2015/08/05/the-tcpip-connection-to-the-host-localhost-port-1433-has-failed-microsoft-sql-server-2014/)
  • In Elasticsearch directory create directory {elasticsearch}\bin\feeder
  • Create jdbc_sqlserver.json file with this content:
    {  "type":"jdbc",
         "sql":"SELECT id as _id, id, name,email FROM test",
  • Create jdb_sqlserver.ps1 file with this content:
function Get-PSVersion {
     if (test-path variable:psversiontable) {$psversiontable.psversion} else {[version]""}
$powershell = Get-PSVersion
if($powershell.Major -le 2 ){
 Write-Error "Oh, so sorry, this script requires Powershell 3 (due to convertto-json)"
if((Test-Path env:\JAVA_HOME) -eq $false){
 Write-Error "Environment variable JAVA_HOME must be set to your java home"
curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/planets"

$DIR = "D:\programs\elasticsearch\plugins\elasticsearch-jdbc-\"

java -cp "$FEEDER_CLASSPATH\*" -"Dlog4j.configurationFile=$FEEDER_LOGGER" "org.xbib.tools.Runner" "org.xbib.tools.JDBCImporter" jdbc_sqlserver.json
  • Execute jdb_sqlserver.ps1 with powershell

This article was very helpful: http://r2d2.cc/2015/08/05/elastic-search-on-windows-with-mysql-sql-server-2014-and-import-feeder/

like image 174
Fl4v Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
